| t h i r t y - t w o |

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(Warning: may include sensitive words.)

the reality.

January 19th. 5:67 pm.
Seunghee scrubbed the side counter anxiously. Her hand gripped onto the towels tightly. "I need to start paying the rest of the school fee." She mumbled to herself, sighing.

She continued to rub the counter which was probably spotless by now. The door opened, hitting the bell hanging above to make a noise, letting the girl know that a customer entered.

She took a glance at the figure whom arrived, finally releasing the towel from her hands. "Welcome." She greeted in a kind and approachable manner, rubbing her hands on her apron which was almost filled with flour and some coffee beans before heading towards the register.

"What can I get for you?..." — "sir?"
The man with a blue cap finally looked up from his phone, looking right through the girl's eyes. Seunghee took a step back, remembering those eyes, she flinched.

"Take you? Why would I take you?" He chuckled. "You should've just died too."  The man pushed the little girl out of his way in annoyance, causing her to fall on the floor.

To the rescue, came her uncle. Although they weren't related he was the one who helped her. "Hey back off from the kid."
"Why would you even want her, she killed her own parents. She killed my sister."

Mr. Yang grabbed the ten year old girl who was currently crying and helped her stand up in a gentle manner. "It wasn't her fault."
"Then how else would the crash happen? She's the only one who survived too." The man scoffed then dusted his clothes. "I don't want to see her face again."

"Neither do we want to see your face." Mrs. Yang replied quickly and took the girl's hand. "We'll take care of her as our own."
"Tsk. Have fun with that." He glanced over the little girl who was somewhat hiding behind the woman. "You. I hope you live in misery for what happened to your mom." He slid his cap on then left.

"Excuse me." He coldly scoffed then repeated his words. "I said I wanted an caramel macchiato. Will you hurry? I have to go somewhere."

Seunghee cleared her throat, managing to reach her hand out the register, placing his orders in.
"Is- Is that all?"
"Yes." He sighed. "How much is it?"
"Four- four thousand three hundred won- s- sir." She cleared her throat once again as the man tossed the money. "I'll pay in cash." Seunghee quickly took the money and grappled onto the change.

The man glanced over the girl's hand then scoffed. "Keep the change. Just hurry with my order." He finally took off and sat on a table. Seunghee was finally off her mind, and looked down at the crumbled money. "Fool." She mumbled to herself, putting it back in the register and headed towards her co-worker.

Hyunjae, her only co-worker, already started to make the macchiato, grinding the coffee beans. "Sheesh he's quite rude isn't he?" Hyunjae whispered while the other one looked up at her then at the man. "Uh. Yeah I guess."
"You alright? You seem out of it today."
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Is it because of the examinations?"
"No-." She sighed. "No. I'm fine."

Hyunjae nodded slowly, and carried on to finish her work. Just as Seunghee was about to take the plastic cup, the girl beat her to it. Hyunjae grabbed the plastic cup. "I'll take it. You should take a break, you really seem off." The girl took off and approached the table, leaving the girl behind.

Seunghee nodded a bit. "What's up with you?" She merely told herself while dragging her own feet towards the washroom.

There, she locked herself and started to wash her hands. She looked up at the mirror, seeing her reflection. "He- He didn't notice me right?" She shut her eyes close as another sigh left her mouth.

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