| t h i r t y - f o u r |

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February 4 || 14:35 (2:35 pm)

" What makes a person act ethically or unethically? "— "Can someone please answer?" The teacher cast her glances at every single student.

While class grew silent, she examined. Some were asleep, some hid their faces, some exchanged eye contact ouy of fear.  The teacher sighs as she got the signal that no one wanted to answer.

"Look, this is coming to your exam." She put her book down on her desk before sighing once again, her eyes finally making its way towards their so-called "good" student.

Seunghee was reading the chapter quietly, her eyes scanned each and every word while it printed in her brain. Although, she had to read some paragraphs over and over until she understood whatever language she was reading, the words suddenly wouldn't get into her head so she had to repeatedly read.

"Seunghee?" The teacher calls out, "why don't you try answering?"

No response.


The girl continued to read, not hearing anything, no. She was spacing out if she was honest. The thought of what she saw last weekend still followed her and it couldn't stop her thoughts from overflowing, not even by studying.

"Seunghee Kim?"

Seunghee finally heard the teacher's slightly loud voice and looked up at her quickly, shutting her book. "Y-yes?"

"What makes a person act ethically or unethically?"

"Oh uh... well.." she cleared her throat before scratching her head a bit while she tried to get some ideas based on the words' own meaning. "Uh. When a person - starts acting ethically... the person tends to be more genuine and rather meek in all they do. The principles of honesty and humility or justice can be an example of what could make a person... act ethically."

"As for unethically. When a person starts thinking that the wrong thing they're doing isn't as injurious even when it is, they start acting unethically. This is just the complete opposite of an ethical person. Here they could tell lies, steal 'small' things due to their own bad habits of inclination, envy and many, many more which causes the term unethical..? They are much more careless than those who acts ethical- cause- I-  people who act ethically watch their actions rather than those who acts unethically..."

Seunghee finally took a breath. "That's... all... that's all I've got."

The teacher smiled in satisfaction as she nodded with her hands folded, looking at the other students. "You guys listened to her? Keep that in mind. It's pretty succinct and understandable."—— "your exams are coming next month, study harder please."

She sighed before turning around. "Alright, next question. I'll start picking other people if no one's gonna participate."

Seunghee fiddled with the corner of her book, heaving out a sigh due to the sudden weariness from using her brain.  At the same time, Hyunjin looked over his seat mate while he closed his book. "You alright?" He whispered.

"Mhm." She was now reading the book again. "You've been on that exact page since the start of the class, are you trying to memorize that page?" He raised an eyebrow, still whispering.

The bell rang.

Seunghee shook her head, closing her book. "Nothing's wrong." ——— "but giant." She faced the boy who was already looking at her. "Does... Minho-." She cleared her throat, holding onto her book. "Does Senior- Minho? Does he like- love Yejin a lot?"

"That's an unusual question..?"
"Just- does he?"
"Okay- yeah. Yeah he does. He seems super happy with her." He leaned his back on his chair, pushing his hair back with his own fingers. "Why?" He looked at her again.

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