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A cozy afternoon in prickwood

Nelly ;...after the long seastorm,they lost all hope of life until six days later when they docked at the empty green cosmosland and lived there forever.
She then collects her papers and walks to her seat as the rest of the class clap

Toni(the lecturer)moves from her table where she leaned on while listening to Nelly and moved to the front of the class.

Toni;(Her hands fold)Thank you Nelly for that wonderful documentary
on uh
Nelly;The Xazier people(confidently)
Toni;Yes sure,the trouble they went
through just to get there
Well great job on the fiction
all of you,as we appraoch
the end of the semester(she takes
papers from her table and
distributes to each)please do
some work on the babyleon
towers and please tell me what
you think?huh

The whole class nags.

Toni;You didn't think i was going
to let you go
without homework did you?
Have a great summer everybody
class dismissed.

She packs her bags and some
students start leaving

Toni;Ugh Nebula.

Chelsea;And it goes kapaau and i was
like mom that's the refrigerator
she almost hit herself.
Nebula listened and laughed.

Toni;A word.

Nebula;I'll meet you out.
Chelsea;Sure,have a nice holiday
Toni;Thank you Chelsea.
She pulls Nebula closer.

Toni;I have only been here a while but I
already see some of my students,
and by students I mean you.
Nebula;What do you mean doc?
Toni;What are you doing this summer?
If you don't mind I would like to
have you as my assistant lab assistant.
Nebula;I gotta help dad sort some
things out but sure I can
squeeze it in the schedule.
Toni;That's good news.
Nebula;I got a pay?
Nebula;(Moves behind as she walks)I gotta tell you,I am not good with chemicals

Toni;You will touch none.
Nebula;Great see you then.

After she dissapears.

Toni looks at Nebula's G.P.A which was very impressive a 4.0.

Toni;She just doesn't like chemistry,a B
plain for goodness sake.


Chelsea was talking to some boys and Nebula joins in.

Chelsea;What did she tell you?
Nebula;Oh you know,summer stuff.
One guy;Chels I am having a party
tonight,you get to be V.I.P
Chelsea;(Chuckles)Thanks but no
thanks I got plans.
One guy;Bummer,It's the beginning of
summer,live a little.

He got in his lambo with 5 of his other friends who were screaming and left,Chelsea turned to Nebula who gave her the eye.

Nebula;You never say no to a party
what am I missing here?
Chelsea:You will see.

Minutes later.
A guy in a black leather jacket drops from his Mclaren and opened his arms Chelsea runned towards him and hugged him.

Leo hugged her tight.


Chelsea;Nebula please,Leo this is my friend Nebula,we have been besties for like forever,Nebula this is Leo my boyfriend.
Nebula;That you never mentioned.
Chelsea;That's because he doesn't go here.
Nebula;A senior citizen.
Chelsea;He's got a car.
Nebula;It's so good to meet you Leo.
Chelsea;I wanted him to be a surprise.
Nebula;And he is.
Leo;Good to finally meet Chelsea's friend,she has mentioned you few times.
Nebula;Has she?
Chelsea;Me and Leo met at a supermarket we both needed jam,cute right?

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