The girl who laughs

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(A/N: This is basically your costume except you have a Batman style cape and your mask is like the winter soldier's

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(A/N: This is basically your costume except you have a Batman style cape and your mask is like the winter soldier's. And yes your superhero name is just Nightwing)

Bruce: In my years fighting crime, I've learned one truth...that every villain is the hero of his own story. Superman was no exception. The Joker drugged him. Tricked him into killing his pregnant wife, Lois. And made him trigger the bomb that nuked Metropolis. So when Superman killed the Joker, I understood why. We all did. But once that line is crossed, there was no going back. He gave himself and the Justice League a new mandate: stop all crime before it happened, by any means necessary. But he couldn't see his good intentions were leading him down a path of tyranny and evil. THAT's how our greatest hero became our greatest threat.

Bruce still speaks to the judges, but on a TV at Wayne enterprises. Bruce watches himself speak.

 TV: It's been years since the Regime fell. Superman's behind bars. Damian, my own son... is there with him. But we can't ever forget why we put them there. We must stay vigilant.
Bruce looks out at Gotham as the sun sets. His confidant, Lucius Fox, joins him, alongside y/n Wayne- son of Bruce and Selina.

Lucius: I thought your goal was to reassure people, Mr. Wayne. You're not alone in rebuilding Gotham and Metropolis. but if we don't change some minds soon...

Bruce: Thought that's why you hired that overpaid PR film, Lucius.

Lucius: Convincing folks to move back to these cities is a lot harder when they're afraid someone's gonna knock 'em down again.

Bruce: Superman's never getting out. I made that clear.

y/n: But Wonder Woman, Black Adam, Aquaman--they're still out there somewhere. And seemingly immune to prosecution. I know you built Brother eye to keep tabs on those loose ends but the public doesn't know.

Bruce: Brother Eye's secrecy is critical. Our enemies can't fight something they don't know exists.

y/n: Well, then, at least follow one bit of advice we paid those PR people so much money for.

Bruce: What's that?

Lucius: Be a little less Batman, a little more billionaire playboy. Get out around town in the daylight.

y/n: And smile.

Bruce glares at his son.

Lucius: No seriously, focus groups show people feel safer when they see you smile.

The injustice of it all (Male reader x Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now