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The four enter a gateway into what looks almost like a torture chamber. they approach a stone throne with intricate carvings in it.

Aquaman: How does this work, exactly?

Black Adam: We imbue your Trident with a spark of the Rock's power. When its full might is released, it will seek out your weapon. Your thoughts will guide the wizard's power to its final target.

Aquaman: I am ready. 

He hands Trident to Black Adam

Black Adam crackles with energy and starts to charge up the Trident when Blue Beetle hits him with a bolt of energy and stops the process.

Aquaman: Beetle! What are you doing?!

Grodd: My bidding!

Gorilla Grodd emerges from the shadows.

Black Adam: A sleeper agent... to lead you here.

Grodd: Despite the power of his Scarab, the boy was easily manipulated. Now, Jaime... kill them!

Black Adam advances while Aquaman and Nightwing keep Grodd from interfering. Blue Beetle changes his arm into various weapons.

Blue Beetle: So many ways to kill you!

Black adam: The Scarab's gimmicks are no match for the Rock of Eternity!

Charged up a bit by the Rock, Black Adam has power in reserve... which is good as Blue Beetle's powers are about on par with the Kahndaq King. It's that little edge that gets Adam to put Jaime to sleep.

Black Adam: Child's play! 

He flies to re-join the other superheroes. Grodd uses his psychic abilities to tosses a statue towards the back of Aquaman's head, but Black Adam blasts the statue to gravel before it connects.

Grodd: Look at us. Three kings.

Aquaman: A king, Grodd?! You're a brute!

Black Adam: A true leader serves his people. You only serve yourself!

Grodd: Be that as it may, I will be the only one who leaves this cave.

y/n: I am sick... and tired... of being ignored!

y/n rushes Grodd but is stopped dead in his tracks by Grodd's psychic powers, Grodd then makes Nightwing join Jaime in dreamland.

y/n rushes Grodd but is stopped dead in his tracks by Grodd's psychic powers, Grodd then makes Nightwing join Jaime in dreamland

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Thinking it's still two-on-one, Aquaman and Black Adam smile to each other and approach Grodd together. But Grodd uses his powers to send a massive number of stalagmites on top of Adam, knocking him unconscious. Aquaman stands, still determined.

Aquaman: You hurt my people, Grodd! In their name, I will have justice!

Grodd's powers are exceptional, no doubt about that. But Aquaman has fortitude and the power of Atlantis to back him up. That's just enough to put the hairy ape on his silver back.

The injustice of it all (Male reader x Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now