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Catwoman: Keep her alive. This is personal. 

Cyborg shrugs, picks up Harley and brings her to the side, y/n goes with him.

Catwoman: Harley was your FRIEND, Pamela... she LOVED you!

Poison Ivy: I have no more friends, Selina. All I have is the Green!

Poison Ivy's toxins and natural gases keep Catwoman at a distance... a distance she can easily bridge with her whip. AND she has the claws to prune Ivy's killer plants, knocking her out.

Catwoman: So much for the Gotham City Sirens.

Catwoman runs over to Harley, Cyborg shrugging as if to say, "I got her out of the line of fire; what do you want from me?" y/n is taking a lot more seriously and is trying to wake her up.

Catwoman checks Harley's jugular for a pulse. Cyborg just stands over them.

Catwoman: You got a defibrillator in there?

Cyborg: Yeah, but-

Catwoman and y/n: Use it!

Cyborg doesn't want to revive someone he despises... but, knowing he'll catch hell from Batman if he doesn't, he activates defibrillators in his hands and shocks Harley three times.

y/n: Harley?

Harley moves ever-so-slightly and moans... as if stretching after a long night's sleep.

Harley Quinn: Again...again...

Catwoman is glad Harley is all right. Even Cyborg can't help but smile. y/n falls on his back and tiredly laughs with Harleen. With Harley back on her feet, the trio reach the old Underground and follow the tracks, being wary about who or what is out there.

Harley Quinn: You think we'll find Dinah and Ollie once we get to Brainiac?

Cyborg: Seriously?! They're already dead.

Harley Quinn: Why you gotta say that?!

Cyborg: Brainiac collects the best and discards the rest. Black Canary and Arrow? Definitely NOT the best.

Harley stays where she is in disbelief as Catwoman, y/n and Cyborg continue.

y/n: And what makes you think Brainiac wants you Robocop?

Catwoman: I'd take THEM over you ANY day, Victor! 

Hearing that, Harley runs to catch up, a little more optimistic.

y/n: Here we are.

They reach a brick wall. Catwoman and Harley go to different parts and feel around while Cyborg looks ready to blast the whole thing. The women then look and nod at each other and push in bricks at the same time. The wall opens up to the Batcave.

Catwoman: Wait here, Harley. Make sure no one follows us. 

She motions to Cyborg to follow her in and Harley salutes.

Cyborg: After you, please. 

Harley's smile fades as she watches the two enter. She worries about Catwoman...and MAYBE a bit about Cyborg as they head deeper. y/n slings his arm over her shoulder to calm her down as he ruffles her hair before entering and leaving Harley all alone.

Catwoman: It's too quiet.

Cyborg: Bogeys...and they're not bats.

Suddenly, Cyborg raises his arm shield just as a shot hits it. Out of the shadows come Deadshot and Bane of the Society.

The injustice of it all (Male reader x Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now