Fear Itself

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 It passes a couple weeks and your leg finally healed so the titans let you finally come fight with them, Control freak was causing trouble at the video shop he had a huge TV chasing people the teen titans arrive Cyborg blast the TV  "Well, well, well isn't it my old arch nemesis's the teen titans." Control freak says "Um yeah who is this guy?" Beast boy asked "I am the masters of monsters, I am your darkest nightmare come to life I am control freak." he then pressed his remote that made selves, cash registers, and card board cut out come alive Robin fought a samurai board cut out while Starfire dealt with the cash register you and Cyborg fought the selves he slams it on the ground while you cut it in half 

but Control freak came toward you guys and made the candy come to life, the candy started chasing you and Cyborg "Bad candy, bad candy!" Cyborg repeats "Hey Hey! get off my leg ow who bit me!?" you yelled "Dude (Y/n) wicked scary is out on video." When you heard that you quickly teleported next to Beast boy to see the cut out of the horror character "Traitor!" Cyborg yelled "I didn't know! Oh my gosh I've been waiting for this one." You said "I know directors cut digitally remastered altered ending its great." Control freak said excited "Cool." Beast boy says, but then Beast boy and you realized "Not cool." you said 

Control freak made it come to life "AHHH!" You and Beast boy screamed, you both started running passing raven who was just fighting mix tapes "Run it'll eat your brains!" Beast boy yelled "Alright if y'all biting Cyborg, Cyborg going to bite back." Cyborg started eating the candy but only in second Cyborg felt sick and ran outside, that distracted you, you felt something wrapped around you "At least it's not the monster!" Beast boy yelled you look to see it was the big TV from before its electrocute you "This is worse!" you yelled at Beast boy, Robin cut the wire that wrapped around you he then hit the TV with his staff then run up up and caught you 

Robin sends his gadget to the fire sprinklers that went off causing all the objects to stop "Ugh my remote I can't live without my remote." Robin grabbed Control freak by his shirt "Don't you think you watch too much TV." He says "This isn't over you hear me this isn't over."Control freak says, Cyborg walked in but quickly walked out of sickness "Guys check it out Movie night." Beast boy says while grabbing the wicked scary movie you guys go back to the tower Robin goes to secures Control Freak's remote in the evidence room

While the other teen titans were in the living room "Robin emergency get up here now!" Beast boy yells Robin quickly came into the room "Report what is the problem." "The problem is that it's show time and your not in your seat." Beast boy tells him "Cyborg are you sure you don't desire the unhealthily candy."  Starfire asked "Uh make it go away." Cyborg says sick, Robin jumped on the couch in between you and Starfire, Raven was next to Starfire on the left side while you sat next to Cyborg, Beast boy was standing up 

"Ladies and gentlemen get ready for the scariest night of your life, maybe control freaks monster didn't scare you but this movie is going to freak you out, this movie is supposed to be cursed when people watch it strange things happen evil things." "Just start the movie." Raven tells Beast boy, he played the movie and while watching it you all were shock and scared it was also a stormy night so that made it worst

"Is it over?" Beast boy asked hiding behind the couch "I dare not to open my eyes to find out." Starfire says, while covering her eyes with her hands "Now I'm really sick to my stomach." "Me too." you said agreeing with Cyborg "I have fought psychotic villains, Robots commandos and giant oozing monsters but that is the scariest thing I've ever seen."  there was a moment of silence before you guys started laughing "Come on Raven admit it you were scared." Beast boy says "I don't do fear." Raven tells him, the night goes on with everyone goes to there room you were about to go to sleep but you hear a huge scream 

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