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The Teen Titans took a trip to space to see an abandoned space station, when walking in, most of everything was destroyed. "Looks like we found out why communication relays stopped." Robin said "Everything has been destroyed." Starfire picks up broken parts, "I knew it, we have a malfunction validating dilator." "Yeah that was my first guess." Raven says after Cyborg "I don't even know what he said." You stated "Can you fix it?" Robin asked "No problem, I just got to cross the conjoin wires with the transitional couplets, connect the isolator to the main data board and were good to go." "Could he ever just speak English?" Beast boy whispers to you "I think so, but I'm still trying to process what he just said." 

The lights came back on "She's purring like a kitty, lets go." Cyborg says "Why would somebody trash a communication station?" Robin questioned, drool landed on Raven, making you all look up to see an alien/monster  "Not somebody, something." It let out this loudest scream breaking everything "What was that thing?" "A nuisance to my ears." You answered Beast boy "Titans go!" With every defense tactic the monster had an upper hand, Starfire began to hit it with her starbolts, while you break apart some chains using your power to force the chain to wrap around the monster mouth. The monster started chasing Starfire causing you to jump on top of the beast distracting it, when you jump off you threw 3 explosive gadgets that you stole from Robin. However, the monster kept on chasing the two of you "Man there's no helping it." You said as you did a flip off the balcony seeing no way out but to jump.

Starfire was flying alongside you before hitting the strange waste at the bottom, you and Starfire hold hands to fly to the top of the walkway, the titans cheered for the both of you. "You did an amazing job Starfire." "I could not have done it without your assistance." She says with a hint of blush on her face "Lets go, unless you want to stay here goofing off with your girlfriend." Cyborg teases, "Cut it out Cy, she is not my girlfriend." Starfire was shocked by your words "I am not your friend?" "Umm no you are." However, in the moment the place began to shake as the monster was trying to climb back up to the team "I am not a girl?" Starfire asked "This really isn't the best time." The monster finally made its way to the team "If I am not your girlfriend, then what am I?" The monsters scream was tearing down the building, you all ran back to the T-ship, luckily the T-ship made it out of the building before it exploded. 

The T-ship was hit by something, and that something was that monster from earlier "This thing won't just take a hint." Beast boy said "I think we can shake it, don't separate!" But the monsters scream malfunction the communicators making the rest of the team only hear "Separate" The team separated from each other but before you left the monster jumped on your ship destroying its materials. "You could've bothered anyone else on this team, but you had to pick me!?" You used your powers to throw the monster off in space "Cya!" As the monster already caused a lot of damage to your ship making you crash land into a planet, your ship was caught on a tree. "Hey is everyone okay?...Titans?" No response was heard from your communicator 

You decided to look around this planet until you stumbled across another T-ship, you quickly teleport to it using your powers to open it, instead of it being your teammate it was this green monster slug that jumped straight at you. "How did you even get in there!?" It then started to chase you down the cliff, you were going to fly over it but it's skin was very sticky not letting go of you. Having you both stumble down the hill it seemed impossible to get this thing off of you, until an arrow made its way toward the two of you hitting the slug. The slug goo was all over you, you look to the side to see your savior was Starfire, you quickly got up "Starfire! You're okay." But as you run up to her she backs away "Greeting to you, fellow titan (Y/n), to see you unharmed is satisfying." She says "Umm-." "We should make haste to find the others."  "Why are you talking so formally?" She didn't answer you, instead she walked away 

You ran to catch up to her "Star, whats wrong? why do you keep walking away from me?" "I am giving you the space is that not what you required?" She says as she walked away "Women, am I right." "We are one, idiot." You followed Starfire as she hopped branch after branch "Are you still on about that whole girlfriend thing? We can talk about it when we are home and not stranded on an unknown planet." "Did you hope the pair less space station explosion followed by our calamitous crash, then combat with a horrible slug creature would make me forget?" "Umm just a bit." She scoffed away from you "Perhaps we would have more success if you search the left half of the planet and I search the right." You quickly teleported in front of her "I don't want to split up even when there isn't no scooby-doo gang." "So you are now prepared to explain why I am neither a girl nor your friend." 

"Well yes, but it's a bit-" She scoffed again as she walked away from you "Maybe you had a better chance with the slug" "Maybe" You ran up to Starfire again "Starfire look it's not I don't like you it's that-." "It's that you do not like me as a friend who is a girl." She cuts you off "The term girlfriend actually means-" "A female who you have a pleasant special association including the shareable recreation and occasionally of buying the floral arrangements." "Maybe you do understand." "WHAT!" The fog cleared up making you both realized you two are on different cliffs, due to Starfire screams the two cliffs broke causing you two to fall "(Y/n)!" She yells "Starfire!" You stopped yourself from falling by flying but Starfire is holding onto a ledge "Starfire fly!" You yelled "I cannot!" "Huh!?" The edge broke as you see her fall/screaming 

You quickly teleported in the air to hold her, as going off of your adrenaline thoughts you quickly teleported to a cave on the side before the rocks crushed the two of you, however it only blocked your path from leaving the cave. seeing the two of you will be there for sometime you started to make a fire for warmth "Star, what happened back there?" "Tamaranean powers are inclined by our emotions." She looks away "So your emotions affect your flying." "And right now I feel unfamiliar confusion." "But we dealt with bigger things before without your powers failing." "It is not danger that confuses me (Y/n) it is you, I do not understand us. Ever since Cyborg said the girlfriend, things are different between us." "But it's okay though we-." "Everything is not okay I fear we will never be okay again and you won't tell me how you feel." 

"Well I think your one of the most out of this world girl I know." "Yes and?" She asked as smiled ear to ear blushing "I find you amazing and inspirational when it comes to you being positive." She got closer to you "And you do not mind having a friend that is a girl?" You hold her hands "Of course I don't, I-" The monster from the space station crashed through the wall like he was the Kool-Aid Man. The monster comes after you, you avoid his attacks by teleporting to different spots, sadly the monster saw your pattern and struck you causing you to slide back on the ground. Starfire started to shoot at the Monster with her eye beams, you picked up a big rock hitting him like the monster did to you. The screams of the monster opened a way out of the cave, as the monster was about to scream you used your powers to hold his mouth shut 

The both of you ran outside of the cave on the cliff "Ready to fly." You ask her "But-." You held her hand "As long as I'm here I won't let you ever fall." You stated, the cliff broke as the monster jumped on it falling with you, in the moment you and Starfire were face to face in the air falling her eyes turned green as she turned you two around flying up in the air. You both landed safely "(Y/n)." She said as she hugged you, out of nowhere the T-ship appear Cyborg catching the both of you two attention "Friends! it is glories to see you." Starfire is back to her old self "Is it safe to fly back in that?" You asked "Just missing a few pieces, like Cyborg." Robin says, as Cyborg hands are missing "Somebody is waving at us...and its you!" Beast boy pointed to a tree "Well alright!" "Have you guys seen Raven?" You asked "I hope she is not suffering the cruel things on this planet." Starfire says 

(Raven was being worshiped by little aliens)

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