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THE PSALM OF BIRDS CHIRPING in the morning is one of those rare occasions to happen on a beautiful fall day.

The fall rays shining upon the school, light seeping though the windows and warming up your face or the side you sleep on, making you feel cozy and relaxed.

However, imagine dating someone who you thought loved you, turned out to be using you, satisfy their own pleasurable desires that fulfilled their growing lust.

"I always knew he has going to cheat on me. It was kind of like this nagging feeling that has been happening for a while in my boob, but I still chose to ignore it. However, he started acting more aggressive — which didn't shock me since that was part of his personality trait. Trash talk being the language he often spoke ."

His girlfriend spoke, in fact, she wouldn't even call herself that — a horrible title since the man she dated for the past three years, turned out to be a womanizer.

A young and thirsty male who only seeker for sexual pleasure and desire.

He was a lustrous, young and immature, ginger haired and cocoa eyed specimen who only fought for one thing; attention.

That boy craved it.

He fed on receiving, not giving — only liking things going his way and not the other. To him, he felt like he was allowed to do anything — at least that's what he thought.

Men his age constantly cheat on their lover, and said lover still stayed with them and were supportive— so he wanted that too.

He cheated and cheated, thinking his lover would be by his side and encourage him. Nevertheless, he openly exposed himself and received the following words, making the atmosphere more thicker than it already was.

"I can't do this anymore. Being with you has hurt my esteem mentally. You claim that you love me, but still go behind my back and sleep with other women?"

The ginger haired male, Fred, widened his eyes, slowly narrowing them at the young girl that stood before him.

He could see how emotionless her eyes were, compared to her usual bright and glimmering eyes.

Her skin paler then usual, dark circles around her eyes seemed to have darkened over time — a different contrast to how her once golden undertone complexion had radiated.

She looked like a different person and never once has he noticed or took safeguard towards her condition.

Before he could say a word, she left.

What did he expect?

One needs to get out of a relationship if they're being treated horribly. Zareena was proud of herself.

She really truly loved Fred and she's sure Fred did one point in time but she won't let herself hurt more than she already is.

The young girl opened her once creaky door and plopped on her bed. The constant thought of getting back with his echoed in her head. But she can't. And she won't.

Another, much shorter, young girl walked into the dorm where Zareena was plopped.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was angelic. A bad day could turn into the best one with Rue.

"We broke up."

"Are you guys getting back together?"

"Let me rephrase that, I broke up with him."

Rue's worried facial expression quickly turned to confusion.

"But you love him?"

"Yes I do. And I always will but he doesn't love me like her used to."

"Yes he does! He always talks highly of you."

It's amazing how Rue was put in Slytherin. You could've never guessed it. She's like a ray of sunshine. How can a ray of sunshine be put in a dark dungeon?

"This conversation is over I'm better off without a cheating liar in my life. I refuse to get manipulated just because of love."

"Wait- He cheated on you?!" The soft voice quickly became a tone Zareena has never heard out of Rue's mouth.

"Don't do anything." She said in a stern voice.

"I won't but someone will. He needs to be taught a lesson."

"Who's Fred? I don't know who that is. I don't even believe there is a Fred in this school."

"What do you mean? Fred is you e-"

"Hush! He must who not be named will not get the satisfaction of having his name said nor shall we mention he exists."

"But isn't he who shall not be named Voldemort?"

Zareena smacks her head in annoyance. She wished Rue would catch on quicker sometimes.

"Oh! Now I get it! He must who not be named was a joke right?"


"And you made that joke about a particular ginger we should never mention right?"

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Zareena had a smile plastered on her face. That must've been the first time she's smiled this week. After all the emotional draining from her previous relationship, she earned it.

"The welcome back party is tonight. We should go!"

Ah, yes. The welcome back party. An occasion where all the teachers reunite with their previous students and the first years meet their new teachers. Along with old music and delicious food.

The thought of it bores Zareena. Every year Rue insists they should go but it's so boring. Who wants to meet their teachers when you could have one more night of freedom?

"You could meet some cute boys." Rue says with a smirk on her face moving her shoulders up and down shoving on Zareena.

Rue was always boy crazy even if she denies it every single time.

"Yeah! Of course! Because cute boy definitely go to a welcome back party where they get to see teachers!" The young girl says sarcastically with and emphasis on definitely.

"I didn't mean that welcome back party. Did you not hear?"

"Hear what?"

"The slytherins are ditching and having their own party! It's hosted at one of the Malfoy properties."


"I know you don't like him but you can avoid him!"

"Correction, I don't like his cocky attitude and that he thinks he's entitled to everything. Him and his stupid family."

"Whatever you can ignore. You hear that word I-G-N-O-R-E. The thing you love to do."

"Ha ha."


Her soft eyes and smile makes it hard to resist.

"Fine, but just this one time."

The gives a childish squeal and jumps on Zareena to give her a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The excited little girl says alternating giving kisses on each of Zareena cheeks.

word count: 1082 words


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