It's the Little Things (One Direction Fan Fic) Part 15

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Everything was blank. All I could remember is Niall screaming. I think I was in a dream. I couldn't do anything. My life was over.

Niall's P.O.V

"She was feeling sick. I brought her some pills and then after like 10 minutes, she fell.." My hands were shaking. I was trying to talk to the nurse. She was trying to keep me calm. I turned back and saw Harry looking down. He was probably on his phone. I couldn't think right. How could this happen?

"Sir, she's in a coma. We don't know if she'll make it. Her body is weak. She's small and she couldn't take alot of stress." The nurse handed me a sheet to fill out. I walked back to Harry and sat next to me.

"What stress was she in?" I put the clipboard on the desk next to me.

"I don't know.. She's to young for that." Harry looked up. His eyes were tired.

"Just- Go home. You look tired." I shook Harry.

"No, I don't wanna leave you here alone. It could be days before.. Well if she makes it." Harry sighed and put his head back against the seat.

"I texted her mom. She said she'll be here soon. She's already across the world so I have no idea how that's possible." I grabbed the clipboard and filled everything out. I walked up to the nurse and handed her the clipboard. She smiled and I went back to my seat.

I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter. Everyone kept tweeting me. I looked through tweets and tweeted and followed some fans. I was tired. I don't know how I'm even awake. I didn't want to sleep. I just want Mary to be fine. Hours passed already, and she's still not fine. I got up and went to the food area. I grabbed a coffee and went back. I watched some shows on Netflix on my phone. I tryed everything. Somehow I couldn't stop worrying. I love Mary. I don't care what people say. She needs to make it.

"Sir, she's not awake but you can go see here. Her coma is- harsh." She looked down at me and I got up. She led me through many hallways. Harry was still asleep. Finally we entered a bright hallway. She opened a door and led me in. There Mary was. She was still. Lying on the bed with white sheets. Her face was pale. She looked so skinny and small. I walked over to her bed and sat on the chair next to the bed. I looked at her. She always smiled. Now she's just... there. I grabbed her hand. It was cold. I held it tight. I didn't want to lose her. For hours I just held her hand. Listening to the beats of the machines keeping her alive. The rain pounding on the window.

"Hey.." Harry opened the door and came in.

"H-hey." I looked up at Harry. He came over and sat next to me.

"Wow, she looks.... Do you think she'll make it?" Harry looked at Mary.

"Yes. She has too. I know so." I slowly closed my eyes and tryed to imagine life without her.

"Yeah, I hope she does." Harry got up and walked to the window.

"You know... I think she was stressed about her mom. She never really had alot of time with her. Then her boyfriend. She cryed about him. Those could be the reasons. She never really talked about that type of stuff. She kept it to herself." I let go of her hand. I couldn't be in here. I wanted to cry.

"It's okay. Don't worry. She'll be better." Harry was tense. He was worried. "I have to go anyways. Taylor wants to hang. She's been texting me all day." Harry left the room and rushed. The nurse came in and looked at me.

"Do you need anything?" She smiled and checked on Mary.

"Um, no. Thanks." I smiled and got up. I walked down hallways and back into the waiting room. I sat down and watched all night. At around 8 am I left. I was hungry. I drove to Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A. I came back to the hospital and checked in. A nurse gave me a bracelet. I put it on and walked over to a seat. A little girl was sitting next to me.

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