{Chapter 17}

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Shigaraki kept himself occupied with work and planning while he waited for Erin to wake up. He didn't want to force her to wake up because he knew she had probably been through a lot and was exhausted. Tomura understood what it was like to have your entire life change in a single day.

Tomura heard movement behind him and turned to find Eri sitting up. She was looking around the room with curiosity, mixed with a hint of fear.

"I know you're scared," he spoke up, startling her, "but you don't need be. Now is there anything you want to know?" She seemed to be contemplating her questions before asking, "Why did you help me?"

"I know what it's like to go through a lot at a young age and to have a quirk most people see as harmful," he answered with a shrug. "Really?" she asked, this time with less nervousness in her voice than before, excitement even. Tomura gave a small nod.

"What should I call you?" she asked. "Just call me Tenko, it's the easiest to remember." Eri nodded. "One more question," she was no longer looking at Shigaraki, she was looking at her hands. "Yes?" "Can I braid your hair?"


Dabi had a plan and he had to follow it through while his boss was still busy with the girl. Kurogiri obviously had information regarding Shigaraki's relationship with Tenk, and he's currently out getting supplies with Toga and Twice. Which means that his room was empty. If Kurogiri wasn't going to say anything then Dabi would find out on his own.

Getting into Kurogiri's room was easier than Dabi thought it would be. The door was unlocked so it was no trouble getting in.

The first place Dabi checked was under the bed, hoping he would find something like in Shigaraki's room,but nothing. He moved on to the desk, but there was nothing in the drawers. When he opened to cupboard was when he hit the jackpot.

Taped to the inside of the cupboard door was a picture. It was a small boy, who looked like a young Shigaraki standing with a small smile on his face. As Dabi looked at the picture, he saw something familiar. It wasn't until he read the caption that he knew what it was.

"Young Tenko is now Tomura."

Tenko Shimura - Shigadabi Where stories live. Discover now