Chapter 1

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Tick, tick, tick...tick,tick,tick

I stared at the clock on the wall, it was like a time bomb ready to go off.  When the minute hand reached the 4, it would explode.  The whole school would explode with crazy ass students, rushing down the hallways to get to the doors and leave.  It was almost winter break you see, and there was 5 minutes till the end of the day.  I looked back at the board.  Mr. Calihan was writing down the information we needed to know for the project we would be starting in the new year.  I looked at my sheet, I didn't need to know this, he had already told me.  I was almost done my project, unlike the rest of the class who didnt even know what book to read.  Suddenly as if someone famous had walked through the door, papers were flying and people were screaming.  The bell had gone off.  

"Ashley," Mr. Calihan said as I slowly got up to go to the door, "Hows the project coming?"

"Good," I answered, " I just have to finish the last paragraph of the essay and then I'm done."

"That's great!" He said as I walked over to his desk.

"Mr. it possible if you could...possibly...give me a book to read over the holiday?"

"Actually Ashley, I have a different project for you." He flipped through some papers on his desk, "I want you to make a new friend," He handed me a small slip of paper with a number and email on it, "It's a student who will be joining us next year,"

"Oh..." I said, "Ok," I began to walk to the door and head to my locker but he stopped me before I left.

"And Ashley," He said, " Merry Christmas."  

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