The Ladies

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Ben's mind was foggy..

Numb,  stiff, like waking up too early from Bed where everything was so utterly groggy that even if you decided to get up, you'd immediately fall asleep on your feet. 

That was the feeling as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.  He was sitting on something thin and soft, and below that was something hard.  A blanket on the floor? It felt like that.

Ben steadily opened his eyes as struggled to move his heavy arms. He felt clean, a little too clean, as if he had just taken a bath in cleansing acid. His skin felt unusually sensitive, prickling in the cold air, feeling everything. 

His eyes roved over to his wrist which was resting on the fur blankets that were covering his legs. 

The familiar watch-like device glimmered 

(Once more: take note that most redesigns from the Re:Zero fanfic apply to Kanae's fan fic.)

The black hourglass with green borders glimmered off the device's faceplate, it's green sheen seeming to search deep into Ben's mind and wake him up a bit

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The black hourglass with green borders glimmered off the device's faceplate, it's green sheen seeming to search deep into Ben's mind and wake him up a bit. 

The Omnitrix..

How did he get here?

What had he been doing before he ended up wherever here was? Ben furrowed his brow, straining his memory, but only flashes and random images came to his head. 

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