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It was just a normal day, you finished school and after that you went to your little job at a store near of your school, you came to your home tired and only wanting to eat something while doing anything to entertain yourself. Thanks to God you didn't get homework this time, so you could do anything you want, and among all the options you had an idea: ¡Playing a game while eating!. And You did, you made yourself your favourite fast food and turned on your computer, it wasn't the best but it worked and that's what matters. The games you have installed were old-school style from your point of view and among all of them you decided to play a Touhou game, you weren't to much into touhou because of not having too much free time, the few knowledge you got is about two things: you liked the mayority of the girls but you didn't know all of their names, and second you don't know too much about what they do, you only know they are magical girls and that's all, and also there are a few more things you know, but you don't consider yourself a big fan.
By the way If you are wondering who i am, hi,my name is c0d3 and i am the author and narrator of this story, also i am your consciousness, you are welcome!




YOU:"What the...?" I've heard sounds coming from the first floor, they sound like someone runing or even dancing so i went to investigate, but obviusly im not stupid enought to go disarmed who knows if there is a fricking robber or murder around, so i took a knife that i always have in my room (don't even ask him) and i went to check, slowly descending through the stairs and looking at every single corner of the first floor once i arrived there...

YOU:"" the whole living room and the kitchen were a disaster, there are objects in the floor and the carpets are out of their place...

YOU:"well...i'll clean it later...Oh frick this also means someone who's not me(OBVIUSLY Y/N!!!)is inside of mah' house" now i feel really scared in this bare moment, the very little sounds already give me goosebumps...but then i've felt a gaze...

YOU:"mmmm...?" I was looking at the only window and then realized that it wasn't open, in fact i came closer to check and it was closed and locked...but if all the windows were means that the "someone" who is inside of my house only could enter here by...the door..."oh My god the door, it wasn't locked..."


YOU:i almost pass away when i heard the sound of the door of my house, if i looked back probably i would be suprised by the intruder and get killed...but(Please Y/N don't do it) i slowly looked back and i see...a girl?!

???: "Uh oh...emmm...hi?"

YOU:i don't know what is more bizarre, this situation, her strange clothes, or my answer. "Uuu...Hi?

???:"*giggles* i...can explain"

YOU:ok what to do now...let's see...if go straight to her she will get scared and run away, even more knowing that i have a knife...maybe she is i'm gonna try to talk to her (good luck Y/N) " Don't worry im not going to hurt you, by the way, are you lost?"

???:"well yes, i was gapped into this world and i don't know where i am right now"

YOU: what the heck? Gapped? "In this Word?"

???:"yeah, isn't this the outside world?"

YOU:what is she talking about? She's not from this world? is this a fricking JOKE?!...(no maybe she is just a cosplayer in a bad acid trip...yeah that explains the strange clothes)...but anyway she's lost so i should help her, tomorrow i'll call the authorities to take care of her, but it's almost midnight so she is going to stay here "Oh so You are lost...well that's too bad, but you can stay in my house if you want, are you hungry? I can prepare something for you"

???:"would you really do that for me?"

YOU:"sure why not?" She then came to me fliying and hugged me strong...wait a second she can fly?!

???:"You really are a good person, thanks!"

YOU:i talk with her about all of this...unbelievable. "B-By the way, what is your name?"

KOISHI:"My name is Koishi Komeiji, nice to meet you! And you?"

YOU: "Y/N L/N, but you can call me N/N (it means nickname, at least for me).Koishi?,mmmmh...wait a second is she the same Koishi who i've seen in one of those touhou games?, it can't be she's not real i-it is just fictional character, maybe she is a cosplayer yeah, but how could she fly at me?

KOISHI:"*giggles* that's a cute nickname, ok N/N"

YOU: cute? But my nickname is awesome, uuurgh anyway, i'll talk with her after she finish her dinner i wan't to know what the heck am i into...i keep thinking this is a joke...

YOU:"ok, you will stay here with one condition, don't touch anything ok?"

KOISHI: "ok" i said while i smiled at him with my eyes closed and my hands doing a sign with my fingers



And that was the first chapter, i really hope you enjoyed it, if there were mistakes tell me in the comments and i'll see what can i do for ya. If there are gramaticall mistakes i want to tell you that i'm not an english person (i mean that english is not my native language) and also i am writting this with the auto-corrector above me, it's quite tricky. But anyway i hope ya'll be alright, have a nice day,afternoon,evening and night, see ya!

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