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Previously, you were taken to bra...i mean, to Gensokyo because no reason, at least you don't "know" why, but you can "guess" why, you remembered those things that Satori told to you about Koishi, so you can make theories about why you were taken here...



YOU:"this is TRULY a palace as Satori Said!"

KOISHI:"yep, it is also really big! Not even i get bored of going around"

YOU:"is there more?! We have been walking around for almost 3 hours straight!"


YOU:"yeah, and let me tell you that my legs are hurting"

KOISHI:"oh I'm sorry N/N!"

YOU:"no problem, it is good while you still around~"


YOU:i don't know if am being a hero right now, i think i know what Satori wants me to do here, if Koishi is attached to me, then i will have to please her, because if not, she would enter in psycho mode and kill innocents, but it seems is quite easy getting her gonna give it a try to the compliments, hehehe...

KOISHI:"just one last place before we go out!, my room!...well it is also my sister's room"

YOU:" *phew* it looks beautiful!...but not as beautiful as those who use it!"

KOISHI: "are you talking about me ;)?"

YOU:"you can guess by yourself, it's not that hard~"

KOISHI:" *BLUSHES AGRESSIVELY* come over here!" I ran to my bed "don't you want to try it?"

YOU:"welp! I have been walking a lot so why not!" I sitted next to her

KOISHI:"let's play a game, Close your eyes!"

YOU:"oki doki! " I closed my eyes, and i felt like someone was touching me, but nothing else, i had no answer from Koishi after some long seconds so i should ask her "can i open them now?"

KOISHI:"ooh yees~"

YOU:"very well then!" I opened my eyes and...i was laid in the bed looking up, and Koishi was up me, her face was so close to mine
"u-um Koishi..."

KOISHI:" *chuckles* what is it N/N? Do you like what you see?~"

YOU:oh boy, oh boy oh boy oh boy this was not in my plans!!! (O come on reader don't be such a coward) shut the f*ck up author!!! "I...i...*blushes*"

KOISHI:"shhhhh...don' talk, don't think, like me!, Don't think about the moment, just enjoy it~"

YOU:she started to take off her clothes...well, here we g-

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