Chapter 1

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"No" I stated, turning another corner Shiro close behind. "There's no way I'll do that."

It all started earlier that day, when Pidge received a strange message from an unknown person

I'm writing this message in fear of me and my people's lives. King Kodak isn't who he says he is. He lies. Our kingdom is overrun with guards, citizens' well-being ignored. We've gone weeks without food. This message also comes with a warning. Kodak is power hungry, it's even rumored he killed his own father to be king. He'll stop at nothing, trick anyone. Even destroy the whole galaxy if needed. He has a weapon. Save us before it's too late! We don't have much time."

(earlier that day)

"What do you think?" Pidge asked Coran, who studied the message over her shoulder. He shook his head confused, and rolled his chair back to his setup. Typing wildly on the keys

"King Kordak, ruler of the popular trading, and mining kingdom of Farinia. He's the heir of King Crynn. Came into power at the young age of 19. His mother is unknown and is speculated to have a half sibling. His kingdom surpassed Galactiar after its siege of Carnia. Making it the largest empire in the galaxy." Coran read with large eyes.

"Father's death isn't listed, not even a date."Pidge says, scrolling her eyes over the screen.

"Suspicious" Hunk agrees, scrolling down the screen to find vague information. "If you've got the biggest empire in the galaxy, wouldn't you want people to know? Not even any pictures?"

"Wait" Allura cuts in. Moving Pidge's cursor to an add. "Best Couple in the Galaxy?" she reads.

"I've seen this!" Hunk exclaims "It's the best! Season 2 was my favorite. And-"

"Its him." Pidge interrupts, "King Kodak, this is his show". She points out his name in the series of directors. His name popped up first as "Head Executive."

"Woah!" Allura says "What an exciting twist!"

"This might be our only way to get information if there really is a weapon."Coran exclaims, still looking unsuccessfully for more information of the grand empire. "Even if it's not a weapon, things are awfully suspicious in Farina." he angles his camera to show a photo of the citizens, fake smiles plastered on their faces. Blue bands around all their wrists.

"The bands look familiar." Hunk mutters. With a pause he starts typing. "No way" he gasps. The photo on the screen is of two contestants with similar bands as the citizens. Even after the show, contestants are seen wearing them frequently.

"So" Pidge says "What do we do?" everyone looks at Shiro. He gulps and opens his mouth before the door opens.

"It was the robot!" Lance yells, "My aim is perfect, Perfect!" Keith giggles next to him.

"The Robot can't move Lance, you're just bad at aiming." Lance lets out a low growl and pounces on Keith.

"Boys!" Shiro yells pulling the two apart. They swat at each other even so. Glaring.

"What if.." Pidge smirks, "We go on the show?"

"Good idea," Shiro says, letting Keith, and Lance go. They fall to the floor with a "Bang"

"But who?"

Eyes shift to the two boys fighting. They look up slowly, and separate. "What?" Keith says, fixing his jacket.

And now here we are. Shiro chilishly chasing Keith down the lengths of the ship.

(Present time)

"Keith there are people that are dying!" Shiro huffs from behind him. Keith finally stops. Causing Shiro to crash into him. Though Keith stands firm, he was stronger then he looked.

"Why me though?Why Lance?" he mutters.

"We need Pidge, and Hunk here for the signal, and Allura has knowledge of how kingdoms are run. Plus her face would be too recognizable. They'd catch on easily."

Keith huffed. Him and Lance had just started to get along better. This would jeopardize all the energy it took for Lance to even be in a room with him. Now, they'd have to be a couple? In Front of the whole galaxy?! Many boundaries were being overstepped.

"Keith?" Shiro offers.

"Fine." Keith says, "If you really think this guy is bad news, and could potentially destroy the galaxy. I trust you."

Shiro smiles, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I knew I could count on you"

(Later that day)

The team snuggled up together to binge whatever cringe dating show this was. The Host looked like a cross between a snake and a fish. With scales climbing down its sides. Its eyes were yellow, and he spoke in an accent. "Gooood Morning everyone! Welcome back to "Best Couple In The Galaxy!" I'm your host, Jimmy Channidae, and it's an honor to introduce...." The show carried on with clips of the couples with their names in a fancy font below. Many were holding hands, kissing, cuddling. Couples stuff. Keith looked nervously at Lance before returning back to the screen. He didn't want to do that, much less with Lance. Keith was never a fan of PDA. As if to read his mind, Pidge says, "You guys gotta do this. If they find out the act, who knows what'll happen. Lance shoves a pillow in his face.

He wasn't thrilled about this "couples" thing. With his friend? Forget about it! Though it would've been nice to go with Allura. He grinned at the thought. Though Keith wasn't half bad. His hair always seemed to be perfect, and his eyes were so beautiful. "Wait" Lance thought, "Stop, Stop, Stop! Your just uhm... distracted." he agreed and continued to push Keith out of his brain. His thoughts were interrupted by none other then.. Keith.

"They film you in bed?!!!" He yells. Lance had not been paying attention to the show, but now he was.

"What?!!!" He yelled, equally surprised, "That's illegal? Right?"

They learned a beat later that it wasn't. Now both boys squashed their faces into pillows.

Watching the episodes made Keith, and Lance realize. They had to step up with this show. The couples there were the most annoying, lovey dovey, over the top couples they'd ever seen. Not even batting an eye at the wacky couple activities they had to do. At the end of the season Keith had cringed so much he was partially stuck in the couch.

"All signed up." Pidge exclaims.

"What?!" Keith and Lance said in unison. This wasn't going to end well 

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