Chapter 3

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Keith, Pidge, and I take the space port. Luggage stored between the seats in a jig-saw like pattern. Keith flies while Pidge and I sit squished in the back.

"The lions would've been better." I mutter, spitting out a piece of Pidges hair that got in my mouth.

"We can't have them recognize us." Pidge grumbles, pushing me further into the wall. "They'd be too suspicious."

"But we'll be on live TV right?" Keith points out.

"You'll already be on by the time fans should recognize." Pidge says, "But you've got to have quite the act to stay on."

I groaned slumping back in my seat. "Why is this so difficult?"

Pidge shoves me, "Stop being annoying. These people need saving."

"Me? Annoying? I-" I start to say.

"Your Both annoying. " Keith shuts us up. Maneuvering around some space debris.

"Where is this ship anyway? In an astro field?"

"Should be up a few ways..." Pidge's voice trails off. Through the tiny window we could see a large ship. It looked like its own planet! Other spacecraft hovered lightly into the opening on the side. We got closer, and the object grew. Towering over our small ship. We all stared in awe.

"Wow." was all we could get out.

Keith gently angled our ship to the entrance. The glow of the landing encircling us. He brought us to the vast floor with a small "thump."

"Are you ready for this?" Keith asks. The question directed to me.

"Yea." I mumble. Taking a huge breath in, and letting it out.

"Knock, Knock."

At the window is a fish human alien, wearing a pretty blue dress, matched with tear drop blue earrings.

Keith rolls down the window and she smiles. "Hi, Hi! Welcome to our humble set." She laughs in greeting. "Please follow the arrows to orientation, and get your name tags at the booth above. Oh! Im sorry only two people are allowed, though we strive for inclusivity one of your partners must stay for this season, though we do allow contestants to come back-"

"Oh I'm not with them." Pidge says shaking her head. I notice the disgust in her eyes, and try not to laugh. "I was only here as their escort."

"Oh perfect." The woman replies, "Will you be taking this ship with you?" She hides her reaction to the dinky port, but it flashes over her eyes for just a second.

"Yes." Pidge replies.

"Okay, well pull up ahead to drop these off." She smiles at him and Keith, "Then you'll be on your way!"

"Thanks." Keith says.

"Oh no problem hun!" She says, "Now do enjoy your stay."

We nod, as Keith pulls ahead to where she wanted us to go.

"Man she was chipper." Pidge says, "I'm starting to feel bad for you two."
Keith and I give her looks.

"Just kidding." She says in defense, avoiding our eyes.

She helps us with our bags, waves goodbye,and leaves. Keith and I stand and watch her go.

"Our only way out." I say, longing for her to come back and rescue us. Keith snorts, slightly shoving me. We walk a surprisingly long way to get to the entrance. Other couples passing by us. The landing is even bigger on the inside. Rows and Rows of parked ships, and people from all places wandering around with even more room to fit more! I couldn't imagine what the inside of the ship must look like.

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