Chapter 2

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After watching all the seasons Hunk could find in his "collection." Keith stormed up to his room to process. He didn't know what he had expected, but it wasn't this. The contestants looked so in love it made him sick. The quieziness slowly melted into nerves in his stomach. He was scared. Keith was never a "public" person. Despite the aura he surrounded himself with. He sighed and fell back onto his bed once in his room. His pillow jumped at the sudden weight. Catching it instantly, Keith smashed it into his face. Screaming. It wasn't the type of scream you'd hear at an amusement park, or out of excitement. It was from a pit of pure nerves and anger. Boiling up in hot flashes through his throat. He screamed until his voice went hoarse. Turning around to lay down. Face facing the bare ceiling.


Keith barely let out a "Come in" before the doors swished open. He was surprised to see Lance, holding a few boxes in his arms. The brown haired boy hesitated, before walking over to him.

"Pidge told me to drop this off." He murmured, avoiding eye contact. Keith got up, and swung his feat over the edge of the bed. Removing the contents of the box onto his sheats. It had a few microphones, tiny cameras, walkie-talkies, and some strange USBs.

"Those are for hacking into the security." Lance coughs, noticing my confusion. I nodd, putting the technology back neatly in the box. Lance stands awkwardly in the middle of the room.

I clear my throat before speaking, "Do you want to set some ground rules?" Lance nods.

"For me, no kissing unless we have to." Lance says, leaning slightly against the wall. I agree.

"And no touching below the waist!" I add. Lance scoffs lighthardarly, "Wouldn't dream of it mullet." I smirk slightly looking up at him. He smirks back, and we look at each other for a beat longer.Then quickly looking away.

"The show starts in a week." Lance says, "Just, promise we'll still be friends?" I nod, "Yeah, I promise." He walks over holding up his pinky. I take it in a sacred pinky promise. We both giggle a bit.

"Damn this is weird." Lance muses leaning back on the wall.

"Yep." I agree, "Plus the host he's.... A little weird."

"I thought so too!" Lance exclaims, "He's always so touchy with the couples. Plus his eye contact with them." Lance makes a face, shuddering. I laugh slightly, still a bit on edge.

Lance stays for a while. We talk about random things, teasing a bit. Though the vibes are odd, and awkward. Filled with nervous tension. I'm glad Lance decided to come in though. It eased my worries a bit, though Lance could always do that. When he leaves. My thoughts consume me. I don't sleep.

(A few days later)

"I'll need you guys to put these cameras, and microphones all around the set." Pidge says, holding up the objects. "From what we've seen you'll be on a ship. We're hoping the transmission goes back to Kodak's kingdom. These USBs will allow us to access the communications, and security remotely. Try testing every computer you see with these. You know what walkie-talkies are for I hope."

Lance and I nod, sitting across from pidge in the kitchen.

"This is so exciting!" Hunk exclaims, getting shut down by everyone's glares.

"Are we sure this is safe?" Lance asks, worried, "I mean, its sketchy how on edge these contestants are, matched with the creepy bracelets. I just have a bad feeling."

I nodded, sharing the same worry.

"We can't say it won't be dangerous." Pidge says, "But we'll be following close behind. If you feel at all in danger. Call us. This ship may be rickety, but boy can it go fast."

Lance sighs next to me. I understood his feelings.

(Leaving day)


I packed up my bag, having to sit on top of it for it to close. Hey, a boys gotta pack his skin care routine. This past week had been spend awkwardly chatting with Keith, getting lectured by Pidge and the team, and being alone. I didn't usually like being alone, though I knew this next week we'd be watched by millions. That kept me from leaving the comfort of my bed. Along with these growing nerves.

(A few days ago)

"It's just an act" I repeated to myself over and over again. Sitting up restlessly in the dark hours of the night. I rarely got nervous, so this type of reaction had to mean something was clearly upsetting me. I'd often roam the ship, when my eyes just wouldn't close. I'd done this a lot my first year here. Trying to spot my blue planet somewhere in space. On one of these nights. I'd positioned myself in front of a vast window. Stars so close, it seemed you could feel the warmth through the glass. My brain just wouldn't stop yelling of what was soon to happen. I was never gonna sleep tonight.

"Hey." A grunt voice whispered behind me. I jumped, swiveling around in an attack position. Keith jumped back in surprise. Hands held up in defense.

"Sorry." I mumble into the quiet air. He shrugs idly.

"Can I?" he asks after a long silence. Motioning to a spot besides him. I nodded. Slowly turning back to the window. Keith carefully sat next to me. I could see his reflection in the glass. His eyes showed galaxies, and so many stars. My face warmed as Keith's lips quirked up. A vision of true awe on his face.

"Wow" He exclaimed. "I never knew space was so beautiful."

"Me neither." I replied, surprised I wasn't looking at space. I shook my head to repress the thoughts creeping into my mind.

"You have a favorite one?" he asked me. I made a confused face, "What?"

"A favorite star." He replies looking teasingly at me.

Rolling my eyes I answered, "That one." Pointing to a bluish bright star, "The blue one."

Keith follows my finger, "And why that one?"

I shrug, "It reminds me of home, of my family." Keith hums in response. Turning back to the vast window.

"And you?" I ask questionaly.

"This one." he states, pointing a finger to the glass. I follow it to a small glowing star.

"The small one?" I ask him, "And why's that?"

"I don't know." Keith says, "It just reminds me of how small we are compared to everything."

I hum, just as Keith did, in reply. We sat there for who knows how long. Just enjoying the view, and each other's presence. We never discussed why we were up so late. both already knew why. It was a small interaction but spoke a lot. It told me I would be safe with Keith. We could tell what the other was feeling. Comfort them, make them laugh. Maybe it's always been like that. All I knew was that that night, I slept well for the first time that week. 

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