Chapter 4

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The room felt bigger than anything I could've imagined. Curtains draped over the walls, purple and white. With a large TV and Couch on one end. Then a large bed on the other. Sheets so white I was afraid to touch them in fear of a stain. A chandelier hung in the center of the ceiling. Glittering like a disco ball across the vast space. Even more magnificent, the entire back wall was open. Outerspace coming so closely upon us like that one beautiful night. A small ship flew softly behind the window. I followed it with my eyes as it flew off. Finally, Lance steps in. Warelly taking off his shoes. I did the same. Positioning our bags on the wall, and shutting the door. Lance lets out a soft laugh next to me.

"We should not be here mullet." He says. Opening a door to our right. The room behind it is a bathroom. With a huge tub, rainfall showers, and a vast sink. Lance stands next to me in the mirror. The lights illuminating our every blemish. I feel the cold countertop, and it sparkles with gems, and jewels.

"Definitely." I answered him. That's when I catch something in the mirror, behind the open door. I turn from Lance and walk towards it. Its a camera. Located just above the TV. A perfect view of the whole room. The light the worker told us about, just a dull bulb. The light not yet turned red.

"Dude weird." Lance exclaims, looking at the camera. I can see his disgusted reflection in the reflection. Giggling I move to the glass. Taking in space. Back on the ship it was pretty. But this, This! Was so much more. It was the type of view you'd see in paintings. The view described in poems. But it was here, right in front of them. I hadn't noticed Lance until he spoke,

"Sure beats that window at home huh?" he mumbles.

I nodd, "No kidding."

Lance figures out the TV while I take a shower. The water trickled in soft warm drops. Even the shampoo looked expensive! It was circled in a glass case, and I carefully put some in my hands. Smelling of lavender, and vanilla. I couldn't believe we were here. You know saving the universe can be challenging, but every hero needs their break. I relaxed letting the warmth rain over me. Until I noticed the bracelet. I finished up quickly in the shower. Examining it closely.

From what I could tell, it was normal. The band was light, and seemed like something you'd get at an amusement park. I tried to take it off but it stayed put. I groaned, trying again. Then I felt pain. It shocked me! My arm went limp for a moment, and I panicked.

"Lance!" I yelled. I heard footsteps and the door swung open.

"Oh!" Lance said turning away. I remembered I was only in my towel. "A warning next time, mullet!" Lance said through his hands. I noticed pink on his ears.

"Sorry" I said bashfully, "But- hold on." I walked past him, (He still had his eyes shut) And put on some clothes, my arm regaining mobility.

"Is it safe?" Lance says dramatically. I roll my eyes

"Yea." I say. He looks up slowly, and nods once he sees me clothed.

"The bands." I look at him, "We really need to figure out what they do they're-"

Lance cuts me off into a tight embrace. I'm caught off guard, and almost stumble back.

"Lance what the?" I ask.

"Camera." He mutters into my hair. I look behind me quickly and see the red light. Pulling Lance tighter into the embrace. He smells like summer. I'm almost sad when he pulls away.

"Sorry." He mutters looking at the floor.

"No, No it's uhm." I cough, "Well anyways I got shocked by the band."

"What?" Lance says holding up my wrist, "This thing?"

I nodd, "I was trying to get it off, made my arm numb for a bit."

Lance looks concerned, and drops my wrist. Then his eyes widened. I give him a questioned look as he goes to his bag. Pulling out a drawing pad and pen. I shake my head in confusion. He starts to write,


My eyes widen too, looking down at the bracelet. That would make a lot of sense.

"What do we do?" I write back.

"Idk, but maybe we should ask Pidge before we get electrocuted again."

I nod. The red light turns back on. Lance practically chucks the drawing pad, and we both laugh. Touring the room together, and whispering literally nothing into each other's ears. The camera turns off.

I grab the drawing pad and write,

"There's definitely microphones, and I think we're being too quiet."

Lance nods, finally speaking again, "I figured out the TV! Not many channels but maybe you could find us a movie?"

I nod, "Sure babe, sounds fun." Lance giggles for the microphones, but flicks me off before entering the bathroom. I genuinely laugh at his expression.

Lance, and I sit side by side on the couch. A friendly distance. Although they would have to occasionally jump together when a certain red light turned on. I've been trying to calculate its pattern. Looks to be every 45 minutes. Lance has also been trying to contact Pidge without sound. There was a small mishap when Pidge answered by talking. The camera stayed on us for a while after. Lances wet hair soaked my shirt, as we pretended to cuddle. Finally Lance had an idea. He grabbed small headphones from his bag. Quickly jumping down next to me. Fiddling with the walkie talkie. I caught on now. This one time when the team was on a mission, they'd been captured by some galactic empire. Pidge had earbuds, like the ones we had now, and somehow worked the bluetooth into the walkie talkie to talk to Coran, giving simple yes and no answers to be unsuspecting. I hadn't seen what they were doing as I was trash talking the guard. Thankfully Lance was. He drops an earbud in my hand, and calls Pidge again. My head hurts as the static flows into his ear. Lance gives him a nervous look, and turns back to look at the camera. If my calculations were correct, they had 30 minutes left. I held up a three and 0 with my fingers to signal to Lance. Hopefully it was late enough for them to be quiet for a bit.

"Hello? Pidge coming in. Hello? Pidge over."

"Yea." Lance responds, as if he's talking to me.

"What?" Pidge says after a second. "Can you not talk right now? Over."

"No." I laugh while keeping up the fake conversation with Lance. He giggles, but his face looks otherwise. Cautiously glancing at the camera.

"Shoot, uhm do you need help?over" Pidge asks

"Yea." Lance eggs on to me. It was working well and no red light appeared, it must have seemed we were bickering over something in "Yes." "No." Yes." "No." fashion.

"Are you in danger?"

"Not yet?" Lance answers by stopping the charade. The light turns on a second later. Lance buries the walkie talkie under the blanket, and cuddles into my shoulder.

"Is it something with the bracelets?" Pidge says finally. But the light is still on.

"Is this comfortable for you?" Lance asks for the camera. However he turns on the walkie talkie for my response.

"Yes." I say matter of factly.

"Okay, the bases of the Flash Drives have scanners. I need you to scan it, and send me the scan through a computer. Can you reach one?"

The lights are still on.

"Lance, do you want to go to bed?" I ask him, hoping he gives the right answer for the cameras, and for Pidge.

"We can try to." He answers with the walkie talkie adding on for the cameras, "I'm not that tired."

The red light goes off. I try not to audibly sigh. Lance moves away again.

"Okay." Pidge responds, "We miss you guys here! Don't do anything stupid, I don't know what this weird response thing is, but be careful."

"You guys too." Lance and I answer. Not even caring about the cameras. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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