t w e n t y - t w o

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The Winter Soldier was lost.

She didn't know what to do or where to go. Hydra was gone. Shield was gone. And she was alone.

Angry, hurt, and confused, Winter went back to the bank. It was the only place that might have answers or supplies for her.

Winter was sure all of the first responders and emergency services were dealing with the aftermath of shield, so she stumbled through Washington carelessly. Some people gazed at her, whispering about the strange, wet women.

But most were preoccupied with their phones. All of shield and Hydra's intelligence had been leaked to the internet. There were very classified secrets out in the open.

She was exhausted by the time she made it back to the bank. The girl still knew the password and entered the underbelly. It was empty, all of the Hydra agents should have been at shield.

At least, she thought.

When she staggered into the deposit box room, there were two scientists there. They looked up at her in fear.

One pulled a gun on her, they couldn't be sure she was still under their control. She stopped moving. "Captain America is dead. Pierce told me to report back here," the Winter Soldier lied. The scientist slowly lowered the gun and that's when she struck.

She lunged at the weak man and knocked the gun out of his hands. They did nothing to fight as she picked up the weapon from the floor and aimed it at the two.

"What's my name? My real name?!" She demanded erratically, her fury was evident. This would tell her what she needed to know. The truth.

The men shook and trembled as she held the gun toward them, terrified of their own creation. "Jamie Rebecca Barnes," one coughed out. She wanted to kill them.

"Please! Don't!" They begged.

She wanted to pull the trigger. The Winter Soldier even squeezed. But an image flashed before her eyes.

She was standing before a man, a gun to his head. "Please! Don't kill me!" He begged her.

She shot him.

The girl blinked and backed away. She dropped the gun on the floor. "Get out of here. Don't ever let me see you again or I'll kill you. And you know I will," she growled out. Both of the men scrambled, running past her.

She sunk to the floor. Everything she'd ever known was a lie. Her name was Jamie Barnes. And she had killed so many people.

The rage overtook Winte- Jamie and she stood. That chair. The goddamn chair that hurt her. Took everything away.

Jamie went wild and ripped the chair apart piece by piece. She screamed and roared manically, punching and throwing things.

Each time she tore a piece of the chair away, another fractured memory would appear. If that chair. The hundreds of times she was forced into it.

When the chair was no more, she was left alone in the middle of the room. It was silent except for her ragged breathing.

She still had more to discover. There were so many fragmented memories in Jamie's mind. Memories she didn't know the beginning or end to, random moments in her life. They were all confusing, frightening. She didn't know if they were all real. But she had to know.

H A I L   H Y D R A || J. B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now