Chapter 20

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The woman was the first to wake up, looking around her to make sure everything was alright and if her two companions were still asleep. She got up silently and brushed the dirt out of her dress, braiding her hair skillfully before walking slowly to Sandor's side. She tried not to make too much noise around him, hoping to steal his sword for a little bit. She managed to grab the hilt of the weapon, but pulling it seemed a little difficult since the sword was the heaviest thing (Y/n) had ever tried to pull.

What she didn't know was that Arya was awake, watching her every move towards the dangerous object. She watched her struggle, waiting for what she was going to do next. She was hoping for the woman to kill the man with his own sword, but she knew she wouldn't have the courage even if Sandor had killed her entire family.

She struggled to hold the sword, but managed to take it out of its hold slowly and without making any noise. Then, she carried it as fast as she could, dragging it behind her, to the river bed, right below where they were staying, looking around to make sure that she was alone. After checking, she began trying to hold the thing upright, in a fight position, but just holding it was difficult enough.

At this point, Arya had already gotten up and was watching the woman from afar, chuckling softly to herself every time (Y/n) tried to swing the sword. She thought that it was enough mockery for one day, so she went down to the clearing, hoping to help the poor woman with her poor skills. As she got closer, the Tyrell turned the sword to her in exasperation, getting scared by the steps behind her. She almost fell over with the sword's weight, making Arya laugh for real this time.

"P-please, don't tell him." she whispered, wondering if the man could hear them speak.

"I won't." she got closer to (Y/n) "I noticed that his sword is too heavy for you." she extended her own sword.

"I shouldn't! I don't even know how to grip it." she declined, excusing herself for not knowing the way to use the girl's weapon.

"Then, I'll show you how I've been taught." she said, preparing herself for the so-called 'dance'.

The woman admired the Stark, looking at her swift movements from afar. Some time later she began following the steps as the girl with a stick that she found on the ground that was as long as Sandor's sword. They were laughing and smiling together, something that Arya hadn't experienced for a long time.

The woman stumbled some times, not fast enough on her feet, but she kept up with the girl nonetheless. After a while, she got tired and sat on the ground, looking at the girl practicing.

Suddenly, Clegane came stomping down the little hill, clearly angry with them. Particularly furious at (Y/n) since she stole his sword, which now was laying on the grass. As the woman heard the clacking of the man's armour, she got up quickly, turning to look at him, her eyes larger than a doe's.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" he snapped at her, getting closer to her, making her take two steps back.

The woman couldn't say anything, her heart was in her throat, she opened her mouth, but no sound came from it, making her look like a fish out of water.

"Were you planning to kill me in my sleep?" he asked, gripping the woman's arm when she tried to get away from him "You can't even hold the sword!" he fake laughed, smiling in mockery at her.

"Y-yes, I can!" she screamed back, pulling her wrist back, but with no success in getting out of the man's grip.

"So, get the sword for me, would you?" he shoved her away towards the weapon on the ground.

She looked at him with an open mouth, quite shocked at how he was acting towards her. Did he really hate her that much? She scrambled on her feet, hurrying to grab the sword. The woman bent down, holding the handle of the weapon, getting up straight again, but not able to hold it up in the air. The man behind her laughed, she turned to look at him, her brows uniting in the middle, showing her angry face at Sandor. He raised a brow at her, impatience growing inside.

She looked down at the sword again, holding it firmly with her hands while gathering all her strength for the next move. She swung the weapon at the Hound, managing to hit his armoured stomach with it. However, the sword fell to the ground again, almost taking the girl with it. She looked up at the man, her face red and the wind blowing her hair on her face.

Sandor wasn't expecting that at all, even though it didn't hurt - he didn't even flinch from the impact - it still made him angry as the Seven Hells.

He grabbed the girl's arm with his hand and the sword with the other, and as fast as lightning turned her around, slamming the sword sideways against her behind - something you would do to a boy for being naughty. She couldn't help the little scream that left her mouth, the pain on her backside wouldn't let her think that it was only her imagination. He let her go, putting away his sword again. She stood still for some seconds, her mouth hanging open while looking at him walking towards Arya.

She had never been more angry, her face now fully red from rage and embarrassment. She stomped up the hill, to the horses and the camp they set up the night before, planning to wait for the two to come up. She leaned on one of the animals, breathing heavily and hitting the floor with her foot repeatedly. Eventually, she got tired of waiting, planning to hop on the horse and bring those two up again.

(Y/n) set her foot on the stirrup, trying with all her might to mount the horse, but she used all her strength in trying to hit Sandor with his own sword. However, she continued to try, not wanting the two to see her in such a humiliating position again. Asking for help was one thing, but being found like this was a totally different story.

She continued to try to mount the animal, but all her efforts were in vain. However, just as she was about to give up, two large hands grasped her waist, hoisting her up on the horse. She was too shocked to understand what had happened, her mind began acting up just as a cold armour touched her back. She looked behind her, at the tall man sitting behind, her face palling while she remembered the strike he gave her with his sword.

She made a gesture to get down from the horse, but a hand on her stomach prevented her from doing so, she looked up again, seeing the man's scowling face.

"If you get down, you'll be walking the rest of the way." he looked at her for a second and back at the road.

She opened her mouth sometimes, a smart answer at the tip of her tongue, but she decided against it, opting to sit with an angry face staring at the woods around them. What she didn't notice, because of her anger and stubbornness, was the man's arm still on her waist, his grip now loosened, but still present, feeling the warmth of her body.

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