Chapter 8

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Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm having lots of tests and little time to write. But I'll eventually post a chapter, so don't worry if it takes too long, I won't abandon it!


The Tyrell girl woke up being shaken. A sudden push and she felt her body falling to her right side. She shook her arms, trying to hold onto something, but ended up putting her hands on Sandor's face.

"Stop it, girl!" The Hound said, holding the girl's waist, pulling her off the horse.

(Y/n) said nothing, only leaning on the Ser, standing with difficulty, because of the long time sitting. She noticed her surroundings, they were in the middle of the forest in a clearing. The trees made a barrier around them, the girl felt a certain fear of being there. The unknown was scaring her, she suddenly wanted to go back to the capital, go back to her family, go back to her friend. But now there was no turning back, that could no longer be undone. She grabbed her stuff from the horse and sat on the ground, not caring if anything would get dirty. She waited for the man to mount the camp, lighting the fire as far away from it as possible, improvising two beds and tying the horse in a tree.

She sat on the makeshift bed, trying to get the warmth of the fire as much as possible. The long sleeves of her dress were already littered with dirt and mud, the bars of it too. She looked at the man in front of her, with a twig stirring in the flames, trying to raise it, but clearly afraid of coming near it. She heard him murmur something in the lines of "I'm never lighting a fire again.". She noticed that the man didn't undo his armor, so he was shaking slightly from the cold. No matter how much protection it had against swords and daggers, it didn't protect against the cold. The nights at King's Landing were harsh, but not like there in the woods, where the breeze passed better amongst the trees than the town's houses.

The girl remembered that the man had given her his cloak, which at that moment made her very warm, but knew that Sandor would need more than her. The Tyrell stood up, pulling the cloak off her back, catching the man's attention, who looked curiously at her. The Hound felt the cloak on his back and immediately took it off, holding it in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sandor asked, his voice more tired than before.

"I thought you were..." the girl said, trying to hide her face behind her long hair.

"I'm not fucking cold." the man said, turning his attention to the ground again.

(Y/n) in an outburst of courage, took the cover from Sandor's hand and put it around the man and herself again, managing to cover both. The girl cringed beside the Hound, clasping her hands in front of her body, holding her legs against her torso. Their bodies didn't touch, but they were close enough to feel the heat radiating from each other. Clegane didn't say anything, just returning to his work of raising the fire.

The wind passed around the cloak, leaving the two protected from it. The girl thought to go back to her bed without the cloak, to sleep with only what she had brought in her purse, but the warmth of the man beside her and the fabric around her were making her sleepy and taking away the courage to face the cold. Her eyes were closing slowly, she could still feel the tiredness in her bones, her body growing heavier, instinctively approaching the source of heat at her side. (Y/n) was able to hold her eyes open until mid-morning, noting the timetable by the color of the sky. Then, her world went black.

Sandor raised one eyebrow as he felt the girl lean on his shoulder. The man opened his mouth to complain, but he saw the Tyrell with her eyes closed, her mouth slightly open. That scene seemed to tinker with something in his head, but he ignored the strange feeling. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night, so he left the girl sleeping quietly, without worrying about the next day, for only those hours of sleep.

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