chapter two

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-Y/n's P.O.V-

You got up in the morning at 8:00 we are planing on leaving at 10:00 for the hunt. You got out of bed and took a shower. After you got dressed and did your make-up and hair yo woke up the boys. they got dresses and when you were tying your shoes Dean sat down next to you.

"Y/n I just wanted to say im sorry for last night." Dean said

"Its ok." you said

you all left at 10:00 and went to get breakfast at some dinner near the motel. the waitress came over and we all ordered.

"so Sammy tell me more about this case." you said

"well 6 people were all murdered all slitted throats." Sam said

"so what are we thinking deamons." dean said

"yeah." Sam said 

"well lets get the cheak so we can get going." you said 

you paid and went to one of the crime sences. Dean cheak EMF and you and Sam for sulfer. Sam found sulfur. 

"ok now we know its demons but how do we find them." dean said 

"I have an idea." you said

"ok what is it." Sam said 

"we have to go back to the motel." you said

"ok" dean said

we went back to the motel and I pulled out a map of ohio and circled were all the murders were. and it made one big circle and in the middle was a old werehouse.

"Y/n your a guines." said Sam

"I try." you said 

"when do you want to chek it out." said Dean

"now. let me just change." you said 

you changed then the boys changed. when Dean was changing your phone started ringing. 

"Hello."  you said

"Hello is this y/n from last night?." said logan

"yes, is this logan?" you said

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight." he said

"sure what time." you said 

"Great! um what about 8:00."

"sorry I cant do 8:00 becuase remember those boys I was with yesterday." you said

"yeah." he said

"um they would kill me if i went out with a boy so if we go out I have to sneak out and they go to bed around 9:00 so i can call you when I leave tonight." You said

"perfect. see you then." he said

"k. bye." you said

"bye." he said

you got off the phone and Sam asked you "who was that."

"the guy from last night." you said 

"what did he want" Sam said

"nothin just to say hi." you said

just then dean walked out of the bathroom 

"ready?" dean said

"yeah." you sale

the car ride was short when we got there we all got weapons. dean made sam come with me. we walked in and dean went right and me and sam went right. when sam wasnt looking I went up a stair case I found the demons were in this room at the top of the stairs. there were alot so I got Sam we didn't  have time to get Dean we went in and ganked all of them Sam came out without a scrach. but you you got cut on the shoulder. it wasnt bad so you didn't tell the boys. when you got home you went to the bathroom and stiched your wound and when you went out watched tv with the boys till they fell asleep. then you changed to something more sexy and took Deans keys to the car and the room. and got in the car and headed to logan's house when you got there it was 9:46 and you knoked on the door.

"Y/n you look beautiful." he said

"thanks." you said

you guys went to dinner then you went to his house and he gave you a pair of his pants and one of his shirts to watch a movie in and you stayed at his house till 3:30 am you went back to the motel and walked in to Dean sitting on the couch waiting for you...

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