Chapter three

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-Dean's P.O.V-

I woke up and looked around the room and Y/n wasnt there. I went outside and baby wasnt there. My mind started to race ' what if something bad happened to her.' I tryed to calm down and i sat on the couch and called her and she didnt answer. so I decided to wait till 6:00 and if she dosnt come ill look for her.

-y/n P.O.V-

When I walked in Dean stood strait up and practically ran to me and hugged me then he checked my body for inguries he found the cut from the hunt.

"what the hell is this." he said

"its from the hunt earlier." you said

"ok we will talk about that later. where the hell were you" he said

"somewere." you said

"god damn it y/n. just tell me." he said

"ok rememer the guy i was talking to in the bar the other day." you said

"I went on a date with him." you said

Dean didn't do any thing he just stood there of a minute then he went outside. After that you tried to wait for Dean but you fell asleep on the couch.

-Dean's P.O.V-

"I went on a date with him." she said

when I heard that my heart shattered a little. she went on a date. ever since I realized my feelings for y/n I have felt like more protective of her. after I left the motel I took a walk when I went back y/n was asleep on the couch. I carried her to her bed and kissed her on her forhead and wispered

"good night Y/n."

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