Chapter 18

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Deku paced back and forth in his room. He mumbled quietly, occasionally glancing out the window for a reason he didn't really know. How should he tell his classmates he was a vampire? He didn't want to tell them all at once. Besides, could he really trust everyone with a secret like this? And more importantly, if he was going into the hero career, would it really be a secret then? How would he explain his quirk to the public in the first place? As a vampire, he had multiple powers. How do you explain that?

Deku took deep breaths to try and calm his racing mind. He could just... wait and see how everything plays out. The only people who know about him being a vampire were his mother, obviously, some of the staff, and Uraraka. Hopefully, nobody else. But if he waited, would that just cause more problems in the future? His classmates wouldn't trust him anymore. Nobody would. Besides, who would want a vampire as a hero? They were just like in the stories. Vicious mindless creatures who fed on the blood of humans. Right. He wasn't human. How could he have forgotten? Deku sighed and sat down on his bed. He ran a hand through his messy green hair.

He glanced up at the ceiling. "Dad... what would you have done? I know not everyone is mean and cruel. After all, you married mom." Deku murmured and smiled slightly. "And Uraraka has been very nice about it too. I'm still getting trained on how to control myself. But... it's hard sometimes. I wish you were here to help me. You could've helped me train. I know mom did her best. But... there's only so much she can do. She's human. And not a professional either. Sometimes... I feel like I'm letting you and her down. I'm hurting other people. I've killed people, dad. Have... have you ever killed someone by accident before? Does mom know? And if you have... do you still feel guilty? Cause I do. I think about it all the time. Just another reason for people to question whether a vampire could be a hero. Even if I'm just a hybrid." Deku said.

He felt tears in his eyes. "I miss you... dad..." Deku whispered. He released a shaky breath. Deku looked out the window. Thankfully, there wouldn't be another blood moon for a bit. But still, the blood moon would come quicker than as anticipated. It always did. And so, Deku was brought back to his original predicament on whether he should just tell the class straight away, or wait a bit more. If he did tell everyone, they would know what to do when the time came. But then again, would they look at him with fear in their eyes instead of the usual kindness they had all shown him? Well... most of them. He didn't want to be seen as different. He didn't want people to be afraid of him either. He could control himself. Well not yet exactly, but he was learning!

If he was going to tell people, who could he trust? Well, Iida and Todoroki, he might be able to trust. They were his friends after all. He could trust them. Besides. It was just like Uraraka said. Maybe they wouldn't even be as freaked out over the whole vampire thing because literally, 80% of the human population had superpowers. So maybe him being a vampire wasn't as farfetched as it sounded. 

Deku stood up and quickly checked his blood supply to make sure he had enough. He didn't want to trouble anyone else because he couldn't feed himself. And he certainly wasn't ready to go out and feed on his own. Not after he had killed those innocent people. 

Deku sighed in relief knowing that he would be good for the next two weeks. Deku glanced at the door that led out into the dorm common room. He could try and tell someone. Maybe they wouldn't be afraid. But who would he tell first? And how would he tell them? Maybe it was better to show than to explain. 


Deku sat at the table in the usual training/therapy room with Mr. Aizawa sitting in front of him. "What's wrong? You seem out of it today." Aizawa said. Deku glanced up at his teacher. He traced the metal grooves on the table. "I just... I want to tell everyone about... you know... but I don't want to scare anyone and I don't know where to start." Deku admitted. 

Aizawa was quiet for a bit. He sighed. "Well... start off telling the people you trust. If you tell them, it will be easier on you, and them. I can be there with you if you want. I understand that stating that in front of the whole class might be a bit much." Aizawa said. Deku nodded. Aizawa then glanced at Deku. "But that's not all that's bothering you... is it?" He asked.

Deku hesitated before shaking his head. Mr. Aizawa waited for Deku to speak up. And then, he finally did. "I'm not sure if I can still be a hero," Deku said. Mr. Aizawa furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?" Deku hugged himself. He glanced down at the ground, not wanting to look his teacher in the eyes. "I'm a vampire for crying out loud! Whether I'm a hybrid or not, I'm a threat to society! How am I supposed to be a hero if everyone will only see me as some blood-sucking monster?! I didn't ask to be a vampire. I was just born this way. And suppose I do somehow make it into the hero career. That involves bloodshed. And when there's bloodshed near a vampire... it's just not possible. And when they all figure out I'm a vampire, they'll all hunt me down as they did before. I'm a freak. And don't disagree with me. Because I know what I saw when I was detained and captured the first time here at U.A." Deku said as a few tears slid down his cheeks. Emotions he didn't know he had been bottling up for so long, were finally starting to spill out.

Aizawa was quiet. He scooched closer to the table. His chair screeching against the floor as he did so. "Midoriya... you may be a hybrid. A vampire. But you're a good student. A very good student. And I wouldn't have volunteered to help you if I didn't think you had the makings of a hero." Aizawa said. Deku glanced up at his teacher.

"Midoriya, what we're doing here, is changing history. Heck, you're trying to be a hero! While being a vampire! I believe you can do it! Besides, I think it's time the world changed and stopped being so afraid." Aizawa said.

"You can't mean that," Deku mumbled. "You don't have to believe me. But I do. And I'm sure, one day, you're gonna be an inspiration to other kids that are vampires. You're going to be their All Might. Telling them that no matter what they are, they can be a hero." Aizawa said and flashed one of his rare smiles. Deku felt more tears fall down his cheeks. Aizawa put a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. "But don't tell anyone that was I was nice to you or I might take it all back," Aizawa said with a serious expression on his face. Deku laughed slightly. "You can't mean that." He said as he wiped his tears. Aizawa shook his head and gave him one more smile. "Well, let's get back to training. You can figure out how to tell everyone later."

A/N: What's up everyone? Yes, I have finally posted a chapter. Did I listen to the Kingdom Hearts 3 version of Dearly Beloved while writing this? Yes. Do I feel like it helped me make this chapter a bit angsty? Also yes. This took a lot of pushing and fighting my writer's block. But, I did it. I will be going back to old chapters and editing them just in case I made mistakes in my writing. My writing schedule is wack. I have FSA's coming up which, if you aren't Floridian, are very important tests that determine whether I can move forward or not. So, I don't know when I'll post another chapter again, but hopefully soon! Also, shout out to KessySage and Madeleine491 for their suggestions in the comments! I think I might go for a bit of both from your suggestions and try to incorporate it somewhere in future chapters. Also, if you have something you would like to see written in this story, please don't hesitate to write it in the comments. I love the feedback and suggestions from you guys. Anyway, thank you for being patient and reading this long author's note. See you next chapter!

-Memes_and_stuff123 :)

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