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Jungkook's Perspective............................

While I and Jimin was flattering about Jukyung and laughing as she was also telling flattering words about us. Abruptly Y/N left without saying anything....''What happened to her? Why did she left like this?'', Jimin said. ''I also noticed she was upset from a few days. That's why I took her here with us.' I said. ''I thought she would cheer up, but it looked like she became more upset now. You both stay here.. I will go and get her.'', I added and then rushed behind Y/N. I called her, but she didn't answered the call. I went to the college and started looking for her. Then I asked a girl from our class, she said that she saw her going towards the classroom. So, I went to the class.. When I went to the classroom, I saw Y/n was sobbing, while Jin patted her consolingly on the shoulder. I was looking at them with confusion and wondered is there something between them. Then I went near them and heard what she was saying to Jin. They didn't realize that I was there.

End of Jungkook's perspective.............

Jin's perspective....................................

After the class I was waiting for Y/N and Jukyung at the college compound. Then I saw Y/N rushing towards the classroom. I went after her. I saw she was crying hard putting her head down. So, I went and sat beside her and patted her head. She raised her head, I saw her eyes were red and swollen because of crying much. ''Am I that much bad that people need to ignore always?'', she said while crying. I said,''Not at all. You are one of most pure hearted person I have ever seen'', I said. ''Why always everyone ignores me? Leaves me behind... Am I that bad?'', she added while sobbing. I patted her consolingly on shoulder and held her hand and let her cry and release all her frustration that's why I didn't say anything. Sometimes it is good to cry and leave all your frustration. I know how it feels not to have someone beside you when you needed someone beside you. So, I let her cry and hold her hands to not to feel that she is alone.. ''My school friends ignores me , don't talk with me.. At my home my mom taunts me for not getting admitted in the same college as them, she don't even care that how much hurt I am about my result and repent for this and now Taehyung is also being cold with me.I didn't say anything to him, didn't do anything that would made him ignoring me. I know I like him one sidedly, I know that I don't deserve him. I know I am a lame clumsy girl . I also know that I am not the preetiest girl but I also a human, I also have heart. But he doesn't even consider me as a human. He keeps ignoring like I don't even exist for him. Then why was he became so humble with me that day? Why he cared about me if I got hurt or not? Why did he held my hand and asked me if I have forgave him or not. If I don't exist for him then he shouldn't even care if I have forgave him or not.'', she exclaimed while crying. ''I know I am not a perfect person , I am clumsy person, who only knows how to irritate people.'', she added. Suddenly someone said, ''Y/N aaaaaa!!!!'' , I looked ahead and saw it was Jungkook.

End of Jin's Perspective......................................................

''Y/Naaaa!!!!'', Jungkook said. ''I love you'', he added. You were shocked when you heard that and said with a shaking voice,''What?''.Jin also widened his eyes when he heard that. ''I said I love you. I love your clumsiness, I love to be being irritated by you. I love you because you are imperfect and you admit that and also don't brag like others. Not only me everyone loves you for your this nature. So, don't change yourself for your dumb crush and give more importance to us who love you. Don't cry for those who don't care for you.'', Jungkook added. ''He is right. Don't waste your valueable tears for those who don't care for you. We love you like how you are and are here for you always.'',Jin added. ''Yaaa!! Taehyung is not dumb, don't you dare to call him dumb. And don't say I love you like that suddenly.'', you said wipping your tears. ''What will you do if I say I LOVE YOU like that?'', Jungkook said with a teasing tone. ''I will say I love you too.'', you said winking at him. ''Okay then.. Let's get married. Both of us confessed our love'', Jungkook said while laughing. ''Yaaaaa!!! Stop now.'', you said with a annoyed tone. ''Are you alright now?'', Jin asked with concern. '' Yes. Thanks to you.'', you replied.

It's been 6 months since your college first day. Though you thought your college life is going to be a mess. But now you are enjoying your college life thanks to your friends. You got many new friends in these days. You were also a famous kid in the college that also for your good looking friends. In these months you got know about them much better than before. Jin is a calm and complicated person, though he is always very supporting to you, on the other hand Jungkook and Jimin both are prankish. They always tease you when Taehyung is around you and threats you that they would tell him about your having crush on him. While Jungkook always flirts with girls. Many girls has a crush on him for this. On the other hand your crush Taehyung is a sincere student who don't miss a single class and always responds in the class. He is a complete nerd.

While you and Jukyung were sitting in the back bench of the class. Yeona came and sat beside you. She doesn't attend the class that much, she only attend the practical. She sits with you there and also talks with you as she said that she doesn't have any friend in the college. ''Jin should have come today in the college.'', you whispered to Jukyung. ''But why this girl sat beside us! I hate her so much.'', Jukyung said. ''Don't say like this. She is a nice girl, I talk with her at the practical classes. That's why I know that.'', you said. ''This girl talk to you because you are famous. Stay away from her otherwise she will do something to you out of jealousy.Then you will repent later.'', Jukyung said. ''Aishh!! Don't hate for her past and also didn't you see how much Jin like her,'', you said. '' Jin doesn't like her. I am damn sure.'', Jukyung said. ''No, he likes her. I have seen how see looks at her during the practical class.'', you said...''Ahh!!Forget it.......'', Jukyung said. ''Isn't she Jin's crush?'', Jungkook and Jimin asked you from the row beside yours. You nodded your head. Yeona was doing weird things like she was combing her hair, putting on lipstick.Then suddenly she take out a plastic minion toy and started rubbing the eraser on it. Jungkook and Jimin was giggling watching that. While you and Jukyung were also trying to control your laughter. It was clearly visible that she was doing all this stuff just to seek attention of Jungkook and Jimin.

You thought you should show Jin what was his crush was doing so you took out your phone and recorded a video of it secretly.

After the class when Yeona left the class, Jungkook and Jimin exclaimed,''Such a great attention seeker!!!!''. ''I think she doesn't have a brain. Didn't you see how she was rubbing her eraser on a doll!!'', Jimin said while laughing. ''Hey Y/N!! Send me the video. It is a great meme template. I will make a meme of it'', Jungkook said.

At the night, Jungkook send a picture. you saw he made a funny meme with the picture of Yeona. You were laughing hard after seeing this.

The next in the college, during the practical room you saw Yeona and greeted her. But she ignored you. You didn't understand why she did that. Suddenly she goes out of the class and entered the class with the principle who were holding her phone and then said with anger, ''Who is Jeon Jungkook among you?''. Jungkook stood up after hearing that. ''Come to my office, you punk.''. You were very afraid and shivering wondering why did the principle took Jungkook like that.

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