"Panic Attack's"

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TW-Panic attacks, abandonment issues, suicidal thoughts, numb faze and self loath 

Ello! Hi this based of my own Panic attacks because I cannot replicate what others go through. Also I will bring up Tubbo's dyslexia I have it myself but not same as Tubbo's because it's a spectrum. Enjoy 

Tubbo's POV

My eyes flustered open as the sun rays hit me. I turned over to feel where Ranboo was and there was nothing there.

I got up to look for him. 'It was probably nothing he probably just downstairs or in Michael's room'. I turned to the kitchen to see it empty then the living and the bathroom.

That's when my hands got shaken and I moved my hand's around.

I finally go up to Michael's room to see it empty...

'Now Michael's gone and Ranboo'...

I sat down on the ground in Michael's room. My hand's going all sorts of places my eyes started to water slightly.

'Tubbo your fine stop your fine' I thought to myself.

I started heavy breathing and I feel a tear fall down my face. My hands messing with my hair over and over again.

More and More tears fall down my pale complexion.

Crying my heart out...

'I'm not having a panic attack no I'm fine' I think.

'I need to get out of hear but I'm to afraid to leave'.

'Where did he go why did I have to be so stupid'.

'To think that he would like me (Platonically)'.

'You know what dyslexic people are dumb where not smart'.

'No I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine'

'Like that time my parents left me in box they didn't love me because I'm stupid ram horn freak'

'My horns are so weird and stupid no wonder people leave leave me'

'My parents,Phil,Dream my brother,Tommy,and now Ranboo and Michael'

'I need to fidget with something but I don't know what'

'Your fine your fine your fine your fine your fine your fine your fine'

'My horns my hair my eyes my everything is so gross'

'I don't what to do this anymore'

'I don't want to be here anymore'

'If I just died this would all be over with no one would miss me anyway'

My tears have disappeared and now I just feel numb...I hear the door open I turn my head and see the trapdoor open.

I see Ranboo and Michael coming in my eyes widened. I feel so dead inside I don't even run up to them.

Ranboo turns to me and red and green eyes widen.He sets Michael down and runs over to me.

"Tubbo oh my god are you ok" he ask I want to shake my head yes but I shake it no. His face softens "panic attack" he asked?

I nod again...

He gives me a Rubiks cube to mess with i fidget and feel slightly better.

"You should talk aloud you know that helps" he says to me.

"Yeah it does it keeps my thoughts stable" I say he moves over to me and puts me in a hug.

"I know how much you need physical affection during or after a panic attack" he says smiling.

"Yeah thanks Ranboo" I say putting my face in Ranboo's chest and fall fast asleep.

Ranboo POV

I hear slight snoring and see Tubbo asleep and so is Michael. 

I pick Tubbo up his arms around my neck and legs around my waist. Me holding his back.

I walk down stairs to are bedroom and lay down with Tubbo kissing him on the head goodnight.

Then falling asleep with him...

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