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(A/N This is IRL story)

Ranboo POV

Today's the day the day I meet Tubbo the day I go to the UK and meet one of my best of friends. Also Platonic husband but that's just a joke we have but still.

I got of the airplane and went to the luggage area (A/N I've never been on a plane before I'm sorry) I looked to see the purple suitcase the bags keep coming never seeing my own until I spotted it.

I grabbed and rolled it down the airport I sat down at the bench waiting for Tubbo to arrive.

In the meantime I grabbed my phone and opened Twitter my fans don't know I'm here but again there always wondering.

Going through it I keep scrolling posting something to seem I'm just being normal.

Then I feel someone tap my shoulder I look up to see the one the only Tubbo staring right at me.

I got up and we jumped into a hug swaying back and forth. 

"Wow Ranboo you are tall." He said looking up at me his British accent coming even more than in video or discord calls.

"Yeah I get that a lot" I say smiling at him.

He laughs and then grabs my luggage running of. I run after him of course and then we get to a car. I look at him suspiciously...

"Are you driving." I ask him knowing  full well I'm not letting him drive after what he told me happenes when he drives.

"No my dad is." He said knowing what I meant.

A few hours later we were in his room.

"Well my mom has not gotten the couch ready yet for you and it's late so we should go ahead and sleep. So do you want to cuddle with me." Tubbo says laughing...


We go over to Tubbo's bed and lay down Tubbo hugging my waist and my head in his chest. We started to drift of falling fast asleep.

Platonic Tubbo and Ranboo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now