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Directly after Robbs previous chapter

Robb couldn't believe it. The story had to be made up. There was no way that Jon was a Targaryen. He looked exactly like Eddard Stark. "No, it can't be true," Robb mumbled. His mind was reeling. If Jon was Rhaegar Targaeryn's trueborn son, that would make him heir to the Iron Throne. His claim would be stronger than Joffrey's even if the rumors of his parentage were false and he was Robert's trueborn son. 

Howland's face remained grave as he opened a chest in the center of his solar. He pulled out a bubble of papers. He handed them to Robb. Wide-eyed, Robb read the first document. It was a marriage certificate for Rhaegar and Lyanna from the High Septon. He moved on to the next piece of paper. They were letters written by Lyanna to Rhegar and vise versa. He remained silent as he read them. "They were in love." He didn't realize he whispered it out loud. 

"Yes. When your father and I found Lyanna on her birthing bed, she was almost dead. She made him swear to protect Jon from Robert. Your father did what he thought would give Jon the best chance for survival." Howland explained as Robb laid the letters on the desk. 

Robb's hand found Greywinds head, the wolf offering comfort. "Who else knows?" 

"Just me, a wet nurse in Dorne, and now you."

Robb nodded. If the Lannisters found out, they would take Jon's head. "You said that he could unite Westeros, who exactly would side with him?"

"It's hard to say. Every kingdom would be divided between Targaeryn loyalists and Lannister loyalists. If I had to guess, the combination of Joffrey's parentage, the declining state of the realm, and Jon's parentage would be enough to sway a large percentage of the population. Any uprising would have to come at the correct time or it would all be folly."

Robb's mind was racing. This could work. They would have to be smart, smarter than he had been as king. The Lannister's were already depleted from the ongoing war of the five kings. If Stannis fell, his troops might defer to Jon if the rumor's of him aiding Stannis were true. He knew his plans were purely hypothetical, but he couldn't help but make plans. This was his first true shot at revenge.

"There is still the problem of his Night's Watch vows," Howland said, halting Robb's dreaming in its tracks. "I shall wear no crowns and win no glory."

"And their vows are for life..." Robb murmured. There had to be a loophole in their vows. 'Hear my words and bear witness to my vow. Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.' 

Death was the only way out, and death was not an option. Then an idea popped into Robb's mind. It was a shot in the dark, but it could work. "Jon Snow swore to wear no crowns, not Jaehaerys Targaryen."

Howland let out a chuckle. "Do you really think that anyone will buy that?"

"It's the only way for him to get out, that I can think of."

Greywind pawed at Robb's thigh as if showing his approval in this endeavor. 

"Seventeen years ago, you and my father fought to overthrow Targaryen rule. Will you help me reinstate it, Lord Reed?"

Howland smiled. "It would be an honor."

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