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January had gone by so fast. He was finally releasing his debut album the next morning and he didn't know if he or Harry were more excited about it. Harry had cried when he heard the final mix, bawling his eyes out. He had of course already heard all of the songs but that didn't matter.

He had sent it to Niall as well beforehand and not just because of their little competition. He was proud of it and wanted to share it with his former bandmates. Liam had received a copy as well and he even sent one to Zayn. Liam had called him up praising it and Zayn had sent him a text.

They were once again situated in the living room one day early. He would be crazy busy the next day.
"Hi!" Niall waved with a big smile on display.

"Hi, Nialler. How are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm good. Crazy busy with my new album." Niall answered.

"When are we going to get a copy?" Louis questioned.

"Soon, promise." Niall replied with a grin.

"I'm certain that it will be awesome!" Harry beamed.

"Yeah, me too. Thanks for taking the time to do this." Louis said.

"Of course! Let's begin. Who's first?" Niall asked and got his little whiteboard.

"I am. One word: album." Louis smirked.

"Yes. I'll give you a point for that." Niall agreed and put one down under Louis.

"Also, I think I deserve a point for the Princess Park line in Habit." Louis continued.

"I fucking choked on my morning coffee when I heard that. You're right, it deserves a point." Niall chuckled.

"Hey! Not fair! In that case, I should get one for Watermelon Sugar!" Harry whined, making a pouty face.

"For the love of God Harry, if you mention that song again I will take a point from you." Niall huffed.

"But it's cute and catchy and totally about Louis." Harry argued and Louis petted his knee with a laugh. Harry could be so petty.

"Still no points for that. Move along." Niall laughed.

Louis sent him a link and they started to watch. After five minutes Niall spoke up.
"What is this?"

"My mural." Louis grinned proudly.

"Cool. How long is this video?" Niall questioned.

"Ehm, about six hours." Louis grinned.

"Six hours??? For fucks sake Louis, skip to the end. I have a life too." Niall grunted.

Louis looked offended.
"But it's a process. You're a mean judge! Fine. Here's the end result. Look! A rainbow and all." Louis said, throwing his arms to the sides dramatically.

"That's bold Louis but more on a personal level. I can't see how it's related to Harry." Niall chuckled.

"Everything I do is in some way related to Harry. You know that!" Louis pouted and Harry just had to ruffle his hair fondly. Louis tried to fix his fringe again.

"I know and you two are like so married. It's adorable, but this won't get you a Harrie point. Sorry." Niall smiled.

Louis sighed but moved along.
"Okay, this is a clip from my upcoming music video for walls. Watch."

Niall and Harry watched as four people, resembling them along with Liam and Zayn as they walked up on a stage with their backs turned to the camera. Louis was singing turned to the camera before he joined them on stage.
"You included us in your video? That's amazing Louis!" Niall cooed.

Harry looked like he was about to cry. He hadn't seen this before.
"Thanks, Lou."

"Of course. 1D will always be a part of me." Louis smiled.

"Same, but I can't see how this is Harrie related." Niall said.

"What if I told you that I made the actor playing Harry stand on a box for this shoot so he would be the same height as Harry?" Louis smirked.

Both Harry and Niall burst out laughing.
"That's dedication! You get a point for that."

"Yeah, that was a well-earned point. I'll give you that." Harry grinned.

Louis rolled his eyes at him before he continued.
"Also my Walls music video. I got a little jealous of Harry's lights up video. Why should he get to be the only one groped? Here's my version of that."

They watched the clip and Niall immediately agreed that it was Harrie material and gave him another point. Louis continued.
"So I did this interview with a Mexican radio station where I talked about my 28 tattoo. Have a listen."

Harry and Niall listened patiently before Niall spoke.
"That's not exactly Harrie related. You're talking about football number for Christ's sake."

"You have to read between the lines. It's not like I can be honest and say that it's our wedding date." Louis replied and made a puppy face.

"Ugh, that just makes me sad. Fine, I'll give you a point for that." Niall answered and put a line underneath Louis's name on the whiteboard.

"Oh, I see. A pity vote! I'll remember that for future preferences." Harry joked and Louis stuck out his tongue at him.

"So I did a Spotify tease for Too Young and Defenseless, 16 and 18 seconds. Brilliant huh?" Louis grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Because Harry was 16 and you were 18 when you first met. Hmmmmm....fine. I'll give you a point for that as well." Niall agreed and wrote on the whiteboard.

Louis pumped a fist in the air.
"Yes! Beat that Styles!"

"Oh, I have some real gems in store. Don't be so cocky." Harry chuckled.

"You two are so silly. Why did I come up with this competition?" Niall grunted?

"Because you love us and because it's fun." Louis smirked.

"Yeah, the first part is true at least. Anything else?" Niall asked.

"Sadly no. That was everything for this month." Louis sighed and Harry looked really excited because it was his turn to shine. Louis wondered what he had come up with.

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