August, September

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While Harry had been collecting Louie points, he had been in the battle of a lifetime, getting free from Simon and making sure he wouldn't be the head of Syco anymore, and he had succeeded. Okay, that wasn't fair, they had succeeded. Harry had been by his side all the way and they had fought together. Harry had been amazing. So supportive, and he assured him that they would spend every last penny they had to take Simon down. Fortunately, it didn't come to that. Both he and Harry were rich, together they had more money than they would ever spend in a lifetime. They gave a lot to charity every year, focusing on LGBT and children. They knew they were lucky to be able to live the life they did even if it came with a high price, and they would give it all away to be free from Simon once and for all. The legal feud cost them a lot but they still had a lot of money left.

He always tried to remind himself that he hadn't always been this fortunate. Growing up with a single mum and a lot of siblings kept him grounded. Money had been tight from time to time and he was glad that he could share some of his fortunes with his mum before she passed. They did a lot of charity events together and that were memories he would carry with him for the rest of his life.

Harry also stayed grounded even if he went on a shopping spree from time to time and why shouldn't he? He wasn't any better himself. They both had more than they needed but what was the fun of being wealthy if you couldn't enjoy it?

They sat down for their Skype meeting with Niall and he was always happy to see him. He was like a little brother to him. He listened as Harry gave them his Louie stuff from the last two months. He had been a sneaky little shit, collecting points in ways that made Louis laugh until tears rolled down his cheeks. But he was always up for a bit of competition. He had collected his fair share of points over the last couple of months so he wasn't worried. He was so gonna win this in the end.

It was finally his turn.
"So Eleanor texted me. She's been trying to make it look like we're spending the quarantine together by posting pictures of her dogs. As we all know she also has two Labradoodles that look like ours. Anyhow, she asked for a picture of me so I send her this one." Louis said with a smirk and showed the picture.

Harry started to giggle.
"You did not!"

"I sure did. Niall, I can see that your brain cells are working overtime right now so I'm just gonna explain it. Harry took this picture and the knee seen beside me belongs to him. The freckle there confirms it. Come on Haz, show Niall your leg. Take your pants off!" Louis demanded.

"I'm just gonna take your word for it. No need to get naked Harry. Point for that." Niall laughed.

Harry was already standing up, ready to take his pants off. He sat down again with a sheepish smile. They all started to laugh. When they had calmed down Niall gave him a point and Louis continued.
"I blocked this account that said that Larry isn't real and they wrote some nasty things about Harry and that just pisses me off." Louis almost growled.

"Supportive of your husband. A point for that." Niall said.

"Always." Louis replied and gazed at Harry with love written all over his face. Harry looked back with a love doped smile.

"I don't know how you do it guys. You've been together since the age of dawn and you're still totally gone for each other." Niall said with a fond smile.

"It takes a lot of work. We make sure to not neglect each other and with our occupations, we can't always be together. We have a two-week rule, we won't be away from each other longer than that. It takes a bit of planning to get around it but so far we have managed. Oh, and we got these cool bracelets! If we are apart from each other I just have to touch it and then Harry can feel it in his bracelet, knowing I'm thinking of him and vice versa." Louis said with a smile.

"Aaaaw, that's adorable." Niall cooed.

"We are pretty damn adorable." Louis smirked.

"I just said so. Do you have anything else for me in store for this competition?" Niall asked.

"No, that was it for now." Louis answered.

They said goodbye and logged off.

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