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Ella's POV

My husband just claimed me as his wife. Yoon Jeonghan just claimed me as his wife! Goddamn it! He said I am his wife.

Should I shout?

Should I scream?

Should I run?

Should I faint?

Damn it. I wanted to faint. 

Is it even proper to do it without faking it? 

"Gosh, don't get fooled unnie." I felt my ears stung at Jeohee's words. "He's expert in playing mind games." 

Oh, how I hate that she's right.

I sighed at hearing her remarks and minutes later, I found myself being dragged by her. She walked in the living room where our parents at.

They immediately all looked at us in surprise and confusion grew in their faces as Jeohee suddenly called their attention with a high pitch scream.

"Yoon Jeohee! What was that for?" I heard her mother exclaimed.

"Nothing eomma. I just want to tell you that I'll bring Ella unnie with me to the mall." She calmly replied.

My eyes went wide. "Wait, what?"

"Oh sure you can. Just don't forget to be back before dinner. You know your grandparents, they hate it when you come home late." My mother-in-law chirped in gesturing us to go.

Jeohee didn't take it long enough to move and bring me with her. After grabbing my bag and her wallet, we both went out and bumped into Jeonghan who just came out of nowhere.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked eyeing the both of us.

"Somewhere where you're not around." Jeohee mocked.

I cleared my throat and awkwardly chuckled before I spoke. "We're going to the mall. Jeohee wanted to buy some dress."

Jeonghan looked at his sister when he heard my answer. "She's sick Jeohee. You know that she needs to rest." He said and lightly pulled me towards him. "If you wanted to go, then go. She's not feeling well so don't bother her."

"Wow, acting like a concern husband, aren't we oppa?" Jeohee teased. "Okay fine. I will leave her alone today, but..." I glared at her when she released my arm and pushed me to his brother's side. "Bring her back to her apartment and take good care of her. I don't want unnie to rest here and feel like you're just being nice and caring because our parents are around. Its not good for a sick person like her to feel that way. Especially that she's your wife."

The way she confidently blurted it out in front of his brother's face make me gulp real hard. I mean, I don't want Jeonghan he needs to force himself to do it because I'm his responsibility.

"Are you ordering me Jeohee? Please know that I'm still older than you. You can't just order me around and expect me to obey anything you want me to do."

Jeohee sighed. "I am not ordering you oppa. I'm just suggesting and stating the facts that you should do as unnie's husband. Like, you should know better. Or you'll gonna regret it one day." She pointed out. "Just so you know, Ella unnie is pretty and cool. There's so many guys out there who is willing to date her. And kind you, I heard there's so many guys in school wanted to ask her out. But since, Ella unnie is a good wife, she refused all of them." She uttered as she secretly glanced at me then to her brother. "I'm telling you oppa, its gonna be your loss if you won't change the way how you're treating her."

Gosh. I should thank God for giving Jeohee as my spokesperson. 

Just kidding.

She was seriously being blunt today and I don't know why. 

I Wish // Yoon Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now