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Welcome to my 2nd story folks!!!


'I, Jeonghan Yoon take you, Mikaella Lee, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.'

He put the ring on my fingers before I said my vow. I felt my voice shaking as I spoke every words that came out from my mouth. I saw him smirk at my nervous state as I put the ring on his fingers not minding how my hands felt so cold and sweaty. I guess this is how it feels getting married to your dream guy.

'I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.'

As I heard the preacher say those words, my whole system just stopped functioning. The loud cheers from the people around us echoed as they waited for the most the most important part of our wedding.

I held my breath the moment he started to remove my veil. I met his eyes and I felt his gaze pierced through me. His stares weakened my knees that I almost lose my balance. I quickly held his arms for support without thinking twice. All I know is that I can't bear to let everyone know how nervous and clumsy I am on my wedding. That is the least thing that I want them to witness on the most precious day of my life.

My body jolted in surprise by the way he held my elbows. The butterflies in stomach started to feast thinking how he tried to help me not to fall down.

"You look so stupid." My eyes darted towards him when he firmly whispered me those words.

Words left from my mouth as I don't know how to answer him back. My mind always fly through the outer space everytime I talk to him. Even now, I can't manage to defend myself .

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

I lowered my head in embarrassment and weakly pulled my hand down. Gripping the sides of my gown, I suddenly felt his hand on my chin. And without a second, he crashed his lips unto mine. My eyes went wide and I held my gown tightly. The people screamed in full of excitement and bliss watching us sealed our marriage. I unintentionally closed my eyes thinking how they were fooled by our picture perfect wedding.


Chapter 1 will be uploaded next week....
Stay tuned!!!

I Wish // Yoon Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now