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The shoot went smoothly. Wonwoo did great and I think I did too. I did not really expect that he was this good in acting. Moreover, he was the one who took the lead until the end. He truly helped me a lot in getting immersed to my character.

"Wonwoo~ssi and Ella~ssi, lets do one more take." Mr. Kim suggested. "I think we need to focus more about the last part. Maybe add a little spice that could make the scene more interesting."He added. "Just try whatever you could think of, okay?"

I nodded and turned my attention to Wonwoo. "I think we should Wonwoo~ssi. What do you think?"

"Sure. Lets do it."

We returned to our last position and got ready. I sighed regaining my strength back and fixed my dress. Wonwoo on the other hand just smiled at me.

He then whispered. "Fighting."

I giggled seeing him cutely made a face after saying it and cheered. "Aja!"

Minutes later, the shoot started about us fighting again like a couple. Just like what we did earlier, I was pushing him away from me. We didn't have any dialogue nor a script but we have to act like we are really fighting. It was hard at first, but now I got used to it.

Our acting became deep. Wonwoo was now on his knees, begging and hugging my waist tightly. I was crying, trying to get off from his grip. We were both so engrossed with our characters.

As I was acting, I noticed that the other members are now watching us. I tried not to get bothered by their presence so I just continued to act just like what I should do.

Getting more focused, I successfully pushed Wonwoo away from me. It almost made him fall, but I was glad he did not. After the push, I turned my back from him and started to walk away. But his next move made me dumbfounded. My eyes bulged in surprise and shock. Never in my wildest dreams that he would really do it. To me, and infront of everybody.

"And cut!" Mr. Kim's shouted followed by the cheering of the staff as well as the members.

My gaze was still fixed to Wonwoo who's still holding face. Realizing that the shoot is done, he brought his hands down and suddenly apologized.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to do it." He whispered without looking at me.

I didn't reply. My words were stuck in my mouth and I don't know what to say.

"That's what I'm talking about!" One of the director said as soon as they went closer to our side. "I never expected that Wonwoo~ssi, but it made the scene even better. Great job you two!"

They all showered us with compliments and a lot of them like our performance. Even when I am now here in the tent, the staffs wouldn't stop praising me. They said that it was like were shooting a kdrama. I was thankful for all their comments and felt happy that I did a great job.

But now, as I am sitting on my chair in front of the mirror, all that happened earlier started to creeped in. I unintentionally touched my lips and couldn't help but think about it.

What have gone into Wonwoo's mind that he did that? I mean, it was fine for me but, I didn't get a head's up. I didn't even realize that it was the boundaries that he was talking about earlier.

"Did you like it?"

A sudden familiar voice made me jolt in surprise.


"I'm asking you Elly." He started to walk closer towards me. "Did you like it?" He's acting so strange again.

"It was all part of the act, Jeonghan. I gave my permission to Wonwoo for that kiss scene. And, he already apologized to me so---" I paused for a second as I realize. "Why am I even explaining this to you? And what are you doing here?"

Instead of answering, he suddenly pulled my chair towards him and put his hands on each side of my body, cornering me.

"Jeonghan, what the hell are you doing?"

"Shh.." He whispered, moving his face closer to mine. I quickly moved my face away, praying that no one would come in as I surely know that Jeonghan has no plans on leaving yet.

I suddenly felt his hand on my chin, making me face him. "Do you know what you did to me? Hmmm?" The way he stare at me with a sly smirk on his face makes me insane. I'm torn between wanting to enjoy the moment or being caught by the staff in this kind of situation.

"Just by looking at the cameras earlier, it seemed that you were enjoying that scene with Wonwoo." I felt his breath as he spoke. "Have you forgotten that your husband was watching you? Why did you let him kiss your lips without my permission?"

Am I supposed to feel scared with this kind of Jeonghan? His voice was full of authority  and I have no idea why.

He's being dominant and damn, I'd lie if I say he didn't looked so hot.

I gulped. "We were acting Jeonghan. We both know that its part of---"

"Blah blah blah.. even if its an act, I still didn't like what I saw earlier." He taunted cutting me off. "I'm the only one allowed to kiss you like that. No one can kiss you except me."

"I know what you meant Jeonghan, but its part of my job. Now stop this and get off me. Someone might come in!"

He chuckled and looked at the entrance of the tent. A few footsteps suddenly became visible to my ears. It is obviously coming closer to us and I know that its the staffs.

"Jeonghan! Get off me now!" I tried pushed his arms away. "They're coming."

He then, diverted his gaze back at me and smiled. "Okay, fine." I heaved a deep sigh. Finally.....

"But first...let me erase that kiss that he gave you earlier."

I didn't had time to protest nor react as I suddenly felt his lips on mine. The way he cupped my face just to deepen our kiss, with his other hand on my nape sent shivers to my spine. I didn't even realized that I was kissing him back.

It almost lasted for a few more minutes until I was out of breath. I saw how Jeonghan immediately stood straight and greeted the staffs who just came in. He was acting innocent in front of them.

Though I was still processing what just happened, I took the chance to fix myself and glared at him secretly.

"Thanks for practicing with me Ella~ssi. I hope we'll do great with our shoot later. Just like what we did a while ago." I almost got choked at his words. For godness sake, we are surrounded by the staffs. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that it will get included in our scene later." He continued without hesitation.

Is he even real? Was that a practice?

"Anyway, I need to go. You still need to prepare though." He bowed and smiled at the staffs too before he went out.

But his mischievous wink didn't come unnoticed by me before he fully disappeared in my sight.

I unintentionally held my chest. That was the first mind blowing kiss that I've got from him. A mixed of emotions was circulating into me and I couldn't think straight as of the moment.

His actions since last night was very unusual and unpredictable. Its making me shock and speechless. And that kiss, yes that kiss! Its making me blush for no reason. Gosh, I couldn't believe what we just did.

I pursed my lips together, trying to stop myself from smiling. Of course, I admit I fell by his charms again. But the staffs are here and they might notice something, so I need to be careful.

I cleared my throat, and tried to entertain myself by looking at the make-ups in front of me when my phone suddenly lit up. I looked at the screen and found out that I received a text message from Jeonghan.

From: My Hubbylove

I'm not yet done erasing that kiss, wifey. We will continue it later ; )


Its time to add some spice to our characters😉

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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