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"Just ask him, it's not that hard" I whisper to Changbin

"Not that hard?! Are you insane! Of course it's hard" he harshly whispers back

"Well it's not, you obviously know he is gonna say yes so I don't see what your problem is"

"I'll tell you what the problem is, I do not know he is gonna say yes, and he likes hyunjin so that makes it even more hard to know if he will say yes"

"Oh my lord he doesn't like hyunjin you dumbass he likes you!"

"No he doesn't!"

"Yes he does!"

"No he doesnt!"

"Yes he does!"

"No he doesn't!"

"What are you two talking about-..." I hear Felixs voice and instantly look at him



"GREAT TIMING! Changbin has something to ask you!"

"Wait- wHAT?!" Changbin replied

"Do it!"

I hear a small sigh come out of Changbins mouth..




"SHHH" hyunjin tells

"Felix...I uh...."


"I...have...I have a crush on you..." Changbin instantly covers his face from embarrassment all that was visible was his red ears

I look at felix and see him smiling, then reaches his hands over to Changbin taking them away from his face, "don't hide your face tehe, coz....I kinda like you too Changbin"

"I knew it- WAIT?! You like me too?! I thought you liked hyunjin?! Wait what?!"

Felix giggled "yes! I like you I like you I like youuuu, and now it's my turn to tell you something"

"Go on..."

"I want...I want you to be my boyfriend binnie..."

"And I will gladly say yes to that"

"Please! YALL REALLY HAD TO DO THIS ON VALENTINES DAY?! While I'm single asf!" I interrupt

"Wait- its Valentine's Day?" Hyunjin asks

"No shit Sherlock I just said it for no reason, idiot"

"Well sorry I don't pay attention to Valentine's Day"

"Jisung you do realise you just force me to do it right?"

"Well uh- BYE! I'm need to get my coloured pencils for next class, see y'all later" I run out of the cafeteria and up towards the art class

I enter art class and go towards my table to get my coloured pencils and paper ready out on the table, this was my favourite class it always took my mind off things, I would put my earphones in and just draw my heart out, it was my favourite lesson and the best lesson ever

As I was taking out my stuff I heard the class door open, which was very unusual as I was always the only one who came early to lesson, I just thought it was Changbin coming after me to bug me about him being right or some shit, but when I looked up....I didn't see Changbin...I saw my ex...chan...the stupid dick who left me with a heartbreak, my anger started to fill up inside me...I look at him, although my body was filled with heart froze and instantly felt like it was melting and all my feeling were just a mess, I was about to start crying when...someone came to mind...not just any someone...someone who made me feel happy when I thought about him...Minho...


I snapped out of my thoughts of Minho when I heard him speak to me I rolled my eyes and looked down at my paper... "what do you want?"


"Haven't I already told you to leave me alone once? Just go away! Can't you see I'm trying to move on from you?! And every time I get close to it, you always, ALWAYS, come back, just leave me alone! Leave me the fuck alone!!"


"NO! I've heard enough from you! Leave ME ALONE!"

"JISUNG LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW!" He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt lifting me off my chair, I got terrified...he used to do this while we was dating,..even sometimes hit me...actually most of the time...he would hit me...but I was too in love to hate him...I thought he was just going through stuff.....which I didn't realise how good it was that he left me...because I was too in love that it left me heartbroken...

Tears started to fill my eyes, my body froze in place as he was still holding me by my collar and started to drag me out of the classroom and towards the bathroom...

"P-pls...pls let me g-go..."

"No don't beg me now to let you go! Don't you DARE! Yell at me! When I ask you for forgiveness DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He punched the side of my cheek making me collapse down the side of the bathroom wall,

"I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!" He punches me again, this time it hurt like hell, like my whole cheek was numb...not even that, my whole face was numb from his punches.

"I CANT FUCKING HEAR YOU BITCH! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?!" He yells again loud as ever straight down my ear, following with a punch on my other cheek and a kick in the stomach


"What I can't hear you?!!" He kicks me again in the same part of my stomach, tears started to stream down my face....

"I....I understand....p-pls s-stop.."

"Good! Now get your fucking ass out of my sight!" He kicks me again and decided to leave the bathroom..

"O-ow..." I literally can't whole body feels pain, I try to wrap my arms around my stomach hoping the pain would go away...but it did nothing...

-later in class-

-no ones POV-

"Hey Seungmin?" Hyunjin whispers to Seungmin next to him

"Yeh?" Seungmin whispers back

"Where is jisung???" He asks pointing at jisungs empty chair but all his stuff was out ready to use, and his bag was there, yet, jisung was nowhere to be seen.
"I don't know???"

Hyunjin puts his hand up

"Yes hyunjin?" The teacher asked

"May I go to the bathroom I'm desperate"

Teacher sighs "okay, but quickly okay?"

"Okayyy" hyunjin runs to the bathroom hoping he would find jisung there

"Jisung??? OMG JISUNG?!"

Oof, hope you like this chapter

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