Sick alien

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TW!!! This chapter includes topics like death, suicide and sickness

It was already noon and i can tell minmin doesn't feel too good

"Minmin you probably got sick from playing out in the snow"

The sick alien looks at me and nods while falling asleep "snow is the mean mean.."

"Aw.. you're right the snow is very mean for making you sick"

I watch as the alien nods softly followed with a little sniffle, all I could think about is how much I'm in love with him... like why do I get so nervous when I look into his eyes... he's everything I've wanted... but.. he's not even human.. but I know I've found the one that I love... I just love the way he can never find the right way to say something, even butterflies can't stop me falling for you lil minmin, I've never felt this way for anyone before..

Without me even thinking my arms wrap around minho.. his head laying in my chest, for some reason a smile seemed to be tattooed onto my face.. I hold him close and I feel his small hand cling onto my shirt "Minho..."

He weakly lifts his head up from my chest to look at me.. "j-jisungie..?"

"I love you... I love you so're the only person- well.. alien.. I think about youre always on my mind"

"I the love you too sungie, but still as a friend sungie??"

I shake my head this time.. "no minmin.. not just as a friend this time.. remember when we talked about what a boyfriend was"

Minho gasps "yes yes, it's the fall In the love, and and, the boyfriends can the kissyyy"

I smile at the fact he still remembered all that "yes.. Minho.. I love you so much that I would love if you was my boyfriend.. my alien.."

Minho makes a shocked face, then the brightest smile prints onto his face "I wantttt to be the your boyfrienddd"

I tear up at the This feeling i get when minho said he wanted ti be my boyfriend.. he seemed so happy with wanting to become my boyfriend... chan never treat me like this... he would never be happy about anything to do with me.. but minmin.. he.. he's just everything.. I've 100% found the one...

I feel myself unconsciously move closer to Minhos lips before I knew it our lips connected with eachother....

I close my eyes and move my lips with the rhythm of Minhos.. holding his face close to mine

Minho pulled away and giggled softly I couldn't help but stare into the little blue haired aliens eyes

Minho then grabs my face and pulls me into another kiss

I giggle through the kisses "minmin"

We both laugh

"I've wanted to tell you this for so long minmin, to tell you about me wanting you to be my boyfriend"

"WE ARE BOYFRIENDS EEEEE" minho squeals happily but the coughs

"Hey hey minmin careful you're still sick" i giggle

"Oh yeah" he pouts back at me

"Aww it's okay my pouty alien, I will look after you and make sure you get the care you need to make sure you feel better soon"

I see him smile brightly at my words..but then a random thought came to my mind... telling me I need to find a way to get minho back to his home... why did I just think of that.. why would I think of that... no.. I need minho... I need my love I can't let him go back home...

"What's wrong sungie..?" Minho asks as I realise I went to deep into thought..

"Ah nothing minmin, I was just thinking abt what I'm going to make you for dinner to make you feel better" I smile it off to make the little alien not worry

"Ahh otayyy"

I stand up and grab a blanket from the other sofa, I push minmin lightly so he lays down on the sofa and puts the blanket over him"you need rest my alien" I tell him

I watch as he nods as he sniffles, the tip of his lil nose is red I kiss his head noticing he has a fever "oh my lil minmin"

He looks up at me and yawns, I play with his hair as he falls asleep "rest well my alien" I stand up and the thoughts come back, this time it was like my mind was demanding me... to send him home... to not look after his sickness???? What are my thoughts right now?? What is happening??? Why wouldn't I look after him make him better????... I go to my room and grabs my laptop.. I google real life Alien Stories, all that shows up is fake alien and ufo sightings... until I saw a headline "I had a alien girlfriend but I had to let her go" that seemed too real to my situation so I decided to press onto the article and started to read.....

Article by:
Yeon hoojun

It was around 2:30am when I heard a crash outside my bedroom window I was scared... I had no idea what it was, I looked out of my window too see a like a ufo????? Crashed into my back garden, I went downstairs and unlocked my door to have a closer look I look over the crash landed ship, until I saw her for the first time... a pink haired, big eyed girl.. it was when we looked at eachother for the first time we scared eachother screaming at eachother... however when we both realised we were harmless to one another... she became the closest thing to me.. she helped me get over my worst problems I was dealing with at that moment in life... she took all my problems away... I taught her how to be human... I fell in love with her.. we got into a relationship...she was everything anyone could ever ask for... she was the definition of perfect.. but then... she got sick.. she.. we was outside playing in the snow a day before.. I thought it was just from her playing in the snow until I got thoughts telling myself that I need to let her go... that she is sick because this is her way home... she needs to be sick to return back to her home... but she was my girlfriend I couldn't just let her go...but when I went to google if anyone else is going through it... I saw one other article... their story was exactly the same as mine however they had a different alien.. to whoever might be reading mine if this is happening to you... if your alien starts to get sick, has a fever... it's time for you to let them go... they need to go home... but the way for them to go home from our planet is they have to die... meaning we have to allow them to be sick enough to die from it...... and their is no way for us to stop it... if we try help them... they get more sicker... meaning they will die faster... then once they are gone... you will get a thought that you can think about for 3 days until you give your answer... you can either kill yourself to be with your alien or you can live on with your life and forget about your alien.... I'm so sorry that you are going through this... I know it's hard... but be careful... you will see a heartbreaking sight soon... I'm really sorry you have to go through this too... my prayers go out to you... I hope you become happy again soon...

But now is my last day of the thought question... and today is the day I will reunite with my alien... I can't live without her not in this world anyway... so mom, dad... best friends... sister brother... if you're reading this... I'm sorry... I love you guys... but this world is too harsh for me emotional sensitive self to be in... I love you guys...

Good bye world

- end of article

Tears are streaming down my face.... Not wanting to accept reality... n-no... n-not my minmin... I can't let him go... not now... not ever!...

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