Part One: What Is Sexy?

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"I think the quality of sexiness come from within. It is something that is in you or it isn't and it really doesn't have much to do with breasts or thighs or the pout of your lips." 

                                                                                                -Sophia Loren

Part One: "What is Sexy?"

Its a very good and valid question. What is sexy? In today's society we are barraged with images of what the ideal human is supposed to be. This image of the Victoria Secret model or Hollywood personalities as thee image of sexy. For men it can be said the same for the thickly corded muscle bound action stars or tall sculpted male models. These are ideals we've been fed to believe is the thing we should expect from our partners to be.

Its a lie though. Sexiness isn't about how large or small your breasts are or your ass. Thigh gaps are not going to drive the men and women mad. I have never heard anyone say 'Oh my god she is so hot, did you see that thigh gap?' Uh, no buddy, I can't say I did becuase I was too busy having an affair with my the ice cream sandwich i'm currently eating. 

Not to brag but I have a lot of guy friends. Be jealous. Anyway, I have never heard of one turning down a woman for sex because of her body. Most men, the ones who don't have shit for brains anyway, don't see your rolls, stretch marks or that mole you hate. All thier thinking about is 'OH MY GOD A NAKED WOMAN! I LIKE THOSE!' 

My lady loving ladies can also most likely agree with me on this one. If your feeling it with someone you are not going to turn her down just becuase she has a muffin top {a part I always though the best part of the muffin}. You just want to get her on her back and moaning your name. 

So what is sexiness? The answer is pretty simple. Sexy is whatever the fuck you think it is. If sexy to you is heaving bright blue hair and mutliple piercings then do it. If sexy to you is having some meat on your bones and retro lingere, hell I ain't complaining. Because when it comes down to it here is the one thing that will make you the sexiest beast to walk this earth:


You can try to pull bullshit all you want but its true. Men and women alike LOVE them some confidence. They like to see a woman or man secure in themselves. Sex is beautiful and amazing with the right person and being worried about if everything is perfectly packed in or hidden on your body is just going to ruin the moment. So let your lover see you without all the hiding. Standing proud with your head held high and a 'take it or leave it' attitude is the most sexy thing you can do. 

Next up.....Part Two: My Imperfections Are Perfection

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