An Outro

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So here it is....short and sweet.

At the end of the day here is what beauty comes down to: You.

You decide what works for you. You decide what you want to emphisis and what you want to work on. You know what makes you proud to look at yourself in the mirror. You know what makes you smile with confidence and you know what makes you feel your best. 

I can tell you this shit all day long but in the end its up to you. You are the person who decides what you choose to worry about but I can tell you this, living a life focused on the shallow is not a way to live. Our minda are the most sexy, interesting and beautiful part of who we are. A sexual partner, a companion or a friend is going to see you under what you wear, your makeup or the size written on your labels. 

You are beautiful. Your body is beautiful. Decorated with tattoos, covered in curves, thin to the bone or pure as the driven snow you are fucking fantastic. So keep your head up, pull on a smile and just let that shit fall off your shoulders. You don't need the baggage. 

So thats it! All done! Hope this helps! 

Much affection to you, my beautiful creatures ;}

Love, Amber

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