Chapter 1 : who's the Vamps ?

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My best  mate Courtney  Goodman  and I was sat in her front room  on the sofa  watching  this music  thingy on MTV . A top ten count down  for most loved music  videos .  We were both hoping and  praying  and kinda knowing  that  our favourite  band 1 Direction would place first. To our dismay  1D story of  my  life  placed 3. Then an All Time Low  song. Then #1 an up coming pop band  called  the  Vamps  with their song called can we dance. I watched as the music video played. I had to admit  they were better  than  1D . The song was really  catchy. Courtney  didn't like this at all. I mean I'm 12 she's 13,so there's bound to be  different  taste. I'm Norah Caldwell  I'm 12 years  old  and  I have long wavey thick auburn  hair  and bright blue  eyes  and  I'm pretty skinny  and I have a light dusting  of  freckles  on  my  face  .  Over a few months  Courtney  and I had  some falling  outs . Then broke it  off  completely .  She was the only  friend  I had. Then my  mom  and  dad  divorced ,  my older brothers  went with  dad who'd moved to  Ireland  and  mom got diagnosed  with  cancer  and  died a few  weeks  later. The only living  relative I had near by was in London  .  My  Uncle  Joe I never really see. It'd turned  out  that  Uncle Joe  was a manager  for  an up coming  band.  We was sat down  at the  kitchen  table  and  Uncle  Joe gave me  some choc chip cookies  and  a glass  of  milk . The next  morning  we flew out to L.A . It was great meeting  the band it was  the  Vamps !  I got to meet them and watch the video  shoot  for their second  single  Wild  Heart  . We got on their little  mini  bus they we using for the first time and headed out. I  was  really  getting  on with  the  guys .  It kinda felt like  I  had my brothers  Ryder   and  Alexander  round me.

They're the same  age  as  Tris and  James .   We'd been on the bus for  about  2 hours .  I  was  sat beside  Connor .  We'd been getting  to know  each  other  really well. I'd noticed  that  Connor  put his  hands  between  his  legs  and  was shaking  both  his legs  up and  down . I  as a little  concerned .  He had a pretty  tight  grip on  himself ,  if I had to hazard  to guess I'd say he needs the loo .  Pretty badly .  “  Connor ?  ”  I  whispered .  "  yea?". “  Do you  need  the toilet ? ”  “  Erm ...  well  yes I really need the  toilet  ". I think for  2 and  a half  hours  we were lost and still seem to be almost 3 hours  on the  bus. In the  middle  of  nowhere .  Connor  looked so  desperate. I'd noticed Brad was sitting  with  his  legs crossed  at the  knee  and shaking  the  leg underneath  the crossed one. Connor leaned his head on the seat in front of us. Which the boys cameraman Dean Sherwood  and my Uncle  Joe . I   got up and sat with  Brad  . “  Are you okay Brad ?" I  whispered .  "  Well  I'm bursting  for  a  wee  ".  Otherwise  I'm okay" Brad whispered .  "  Well  Connor  really needs the loo  as well,I know we seem to be  lost  but yous  could  ask for  a  stop so you two can have a  toilet  break" I  whispered .  "  Well  I  don't exactly  wanna say anything ". “  Okay  the I'll see if Connor will".  I sat back down  beside  Connor .  "  Brad needs a wee  too,but he doesn't wanna say anything". Yous should ask for  a  stop so yous can have  a  toilet  break."  "Well ,  erm ... I don't really wanna say anything either. I'm kinda  scared of  Steve .  What if he says no  ?What  if  he won't pull over or try to  find  a  place  to  stop?"Connor  whispered .  "  Well  I  don't  know  if he'll say no, I  don't  know if he won't pull over and I don't know  if  Steve  won't look for a place we can stop". “  Yous won't know unless  yous ask."

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