she needs a wild heart ? we'll help

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                                           🔵   ~   Connor ~🔵

We'd be here overnight  then fly  out at 5 in the morning .
I was sharing  a room with James  . We'd played this show in a Mall and did a signing . We then got on the  plane and before we knew it the plane was going  down! I was sat beside Norah and Brad. I reached my  hand  out for her to take and Brad did the same. Brad and I held  her hands. Norah finally  looked like a little  12 year old  girl .  She was terrified .  I could see the innocents  in her  eyes that were now flooding with  tears. We  all knew it. Nobody  would survive  the  plane crash.  We knew it. We were all gonna  die. It was so sad everybody  was gonna die. Norah was only a little  12 year old  girl  in year  7 , she hadn't gotten  a  chance  to  do anything  fun , she never really got to live her life ,like the other children on the plane .  I felt like I'd gained a sister. I know she's almost  2 years  older  than  my little brother  Lewie . I felt the need to protect  her. Norah  didn't deserve  this none of us did. I heard her mumbling a prayer  to survive . Didn't want to be the one to tell Norah that it depends  on  God's will, if he wants us to die right now in a plane crash , because  it was written  in our wills he wrote for us before  we were ever born. But this sweet innocent  little  girl ,  who's last moments  should be spent praying  to  live if she wants.   Norah was squeezing  my hand so hard I wasn't just  loosing  feeling in it  but  also thinking that I didn't care about the  obvious  loss of  circulation  to my  hand,  but I really and truly didn't care .  I was really scared too. And Brad didn't seem to care either. Norah didn't have the best of a life  beforeoe took her in , she'd seemed very  bright and bubbly  in the last few days. I looked over at Brad , he was crying  too. Joe was terrified  clearly, Dean looked  like  he was  trying to  calm himself .  Tris looked  like  he was trying to  convince  himself  this wasn't happening , James held his hand and rubbed his back.

We were all gonna die and that would be it  we'd be dead .  I don't  remember  the  plane crashing . But I woke up in water. I looked  the  water  and  tried to surface .  I looked to my right ,it looked like somebody  was there . I looked to my left  there was someone  else .  We all washed up on the shore of somewhere. I looked around.  It was Brad ,and Norah .  James, and Tristan too. Just us. "  I was about to ask if yous was okay but I see yous are fixing  your  hair. So I guess yous are" Norah said.
I looked around . It was just us. "  Everyone  okay?" James  asked .  “  Yea  I'm good". “  I'm good ". “  Yea ,  yea  I'm  alright  too what about  you James ?" Norah  asked  him .   "  Yeh  yeh  " .  We got our surroundings . I think we were on an island . We all decided  to  look around explore  then make shelter and  find food.   Of course  us guys just  had to  keep fixing  our hair. Meanwhile Norah's  looks worse and she clearly doesn't care.


We'd been  on  this deserted island for about  a day now.

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