Traveling on the bus

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                                                   Connor Ball:

We'd been  on  the  bus  for  like five hours  now and I desperately  need a  wee .  I have needed a wee  for  almost  all five hours .  I  was  sat  beside  my manager  Joe's neise Norah Caldwell . For saying  that  she's only 12 in year  7  she's pretty  mature for her age. And Norah's a lot of fun too . We were now playing  eye spy .  “  I  spy with  my  little  eye  something  that  is  green" I said. “  Is  it the green on your tshirt?"Norah asked me. “  Yea ,  yea  alright  smarty pants ". “  But I'm not not that smart Connor ". “  Okay ,  but  I  gave you one that's not too easy  cos you're  just  a  little  girl  Norah you weren't supposed  to  get  it right away ".   I guessed the  next few right. Norah got only one  that was a bit tricky . I sad something  blue and  there's a  lot of  blue around . We'd been  driving  for  5 hours and about half an hour  ago  James asked the bus  driver Steve if we could stop for a toilet  break . We still  haven't  stopped  yet. We were  lost  in the  middle  of  nowhere .  I guess  Steve  was trying  to  find a service  station. Earlier  I drank  2 liters of  iced  cherry Mountain  Dew . Not a good  idea .   Maybe  I'd  better  start using the  toilet  before  we leave anywhere .   Brad James  and  Trissy looked  just  as miserable  as I did. We all were bursting  for  a  wee. "  Whoa  are we lost?" Tris  asked .  “  No , we're not  just  looking for  a  service  station  ". “  Ah , great idea  a service  stop it'll give us all a chance  to  go  to  the  loo  and grab a snack  and   stretch our legs  and grab a  drink" Finn our tour manager  said yawning . Great now Finn  was awake  and none the wiser  that the band really needs a toilet  break .   "  Yo Condor , you good?"Tris asked.  “  Yea ,  yea  I'm  alright  ". I just  hoped it was convincing . Five and  half hours , almost 6   hours on the bus and absolutely  bursting  for  a  wee , I  desperately  had to go to the point of  feeling muscle  spasms ,nearly in tears and very tired .I'd pulled myself  to  the  op of the seat in front of me and sorta half smiled at Trissy .

I'd pulled myself  to  the  op of the seat in front of me and sorta half smiled at Trissy

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It felt like we'd been on  the  bus  for  ages  now! In reality  only 6 hours . Joe being  concerned  as always , was worried . 

“  Pull over  please ,Steve " Joe said .  Steve let us off the  bus.    Ahw  thanks  Joe ". Brad Jamez   and  Trissy  and  me all ran off the  bus and I think I was the only one who looked  round to make  sure  nobody  would see us. I'd been  feeling a  bit  of  pain  and muscle  spasms  in the  bladder .  I could feel tears staining  my face. I was feeling  so so much  better .  There'd been so much pressure  in my  bladder  it felt like somebody  was  standing on my abdomen .  Glad I finally  had  a  wee  if I'd been any  longer I'd wet myself .  I was feeling so much better  it seemed to take me longer than what it took Tristan  James  and Brad to have  a  wee .   It just  seemed to  keep  coming and coming and coming. I guessed  I couldn't  expect  anything different . We are talking 2 liters  of  iced  cherry  Mountain  Dew . One of my favourite  soft drinks . That's a lot to drink in 1 sitting  . I got back on the bus sat beside  Norah  and eventually  we went to  sleep . Overnight  travel  is always different .  We slept for a few hours . Something  I'd learned that  Norah mumbles some prayers  under her  breath before  going to sleep. It's pretty  sad that she was praying  for  her  Mum to be in Heaven and her soul not to wander  and be lost. Norah  has went through  so much .  Having a fallingout  with  her best mate  Courtney , and her parents divorce  her brothers   Ryder  and  Alexander  being taken care  of  by their Father ,  and not wanting  her . Her Mum being diagnosed  with  cancer  and  dying . So Joe being  her closest living  relative , he just had to take her in. So far I'm kinda shocked , Norah  doesn't come across  as  a  12 year  old  girl  should. She seems very mature for  her  age .   We'd  finally  arrived  in  a  city.


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