Chapter Thirteen.

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Kaash Paige- Heartbreaker

Chapter Thirteen- Right. Because when you don't like someone, you look for ways to hang out with them and miss them when they're not around. Never mind I get it.

I didn't have much free time as I had imagined and I'm saying it again. The new movie I'm to star in happens to have a lot of meetings and interviews just before filming starts. What happens then when we're done?

"I can't fucking believe this."

I smile as I wrap my arms around Jack's neck who hugged me first, with a happy aura that's contagious.

We finished filming for Family fun the Saturday before and we had popped just a bottle of wine for instant celebration. The after-party was then scheduled for this Friday night which happens to be more lively than I ever imagined. All the extras that had ever been cast right from the season were present and I got to get acquainted with them again. Some, I remembered because I worked with them more than once and the others, because I have watched a lot of their movies. The ones I couldn't place a name on had to introduce themselves all over again.

The party is being held in a club, one that was booked so as to prevent every form of crazy fan(cause we apparently don't know who is normal anymore) from being present. Somehow, word got out that we were having a party which resulted in reporters flooding the outside of the building.

"I know, right?" I answer to him after I unhooked my hands from his neck to allow him to kiss my cheek.

"I'm going to miss you, you know?" He hooks my arms around his and casually drags me to the bar.

"I'll be around, Jack."

"I still won't get to spend as much time as I usually do with you anymore, it sucks," He says with a pout before giving the bartender his offer and mine because he claims he has very good taste and I happen to believe him. "This time last year, I couldn't drink."

"Aw, now that I think of it, you're a tiny little boy."

He gives me a glare that's meant to be intimidating but only makes him look silly. "I remember you saying that in one of the scenes that were shown."

The behind the scenes were aired on a projector during the first few minutes of the party. I happen to have arrived early because Jack made me promise him to be here as early as possible and I couldn't go back on it.

"I only say the truth, remember?" I wink at him which causes him to groan out loud, pulling at his hair for dramatic effect.

"You're annoying and I don't like you."

"Right. Because when you don't like someone, you look for ways to hang out with them and miss them when they're not around. Never mind I get it."

"Fuck you."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You know we are in public right?"

I spin around with much alacrity and velocity that I would have fallen off my stool if he didn't place a hand on my shoulder to steady me. "Aidan." I greet as I stand up to bury my face in his chest with his arms going around my waist.

"Why are you so happy to see me? What have you drank?" He releases me as he glares at Jack who has emptied his glass, asking for more.

I huff, face-palming myself with mock irritation. "I don't know why men are so annoying," I say remembering my argument with Allen which resulted in me driving myself back to my place with his car and him watching me from the passenger's seat with much intent. "Can't I just miss you?"

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