Chapter Twenty.

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Chika -High rise.

Chapter Twenty- Were you watching him leave? Are you that whipped?

I groan in annoyance, pressing the pillow further against my ear in a bid to prevent myself from hearing the nonstop ringing. I feel someone shaking me awake and I open an eye, only to see Allen's smiling face in my view. "Morning," he chirps. How can he be a morning person? Just how?

"Get out," I reply him and he chuckles. Isn't it a little too early to be this cheery? I peep at the clock on my nightstand and see it's just eight but he doesn't stop shaking me, neither does the ringing stop.

"Oliviaaaaaa," he complains. "Your phone's been ringing for a while now. It's Melody." That makes me sit up straight, accidentally banging my head against his. "Ow," he whines, rubbing the spot which was hit as he hands me my phone.

I turn on the phone and see I have four missed calls already. What could be so urgent that she'll call me this early? Before I get the chance to dial her back, she calls again. "Good morning. Is anything wrong?"

"You know, I'm beginning to think you don't like talking to me over the phone." She teases.

"Mel, you've called me four times already, this being the fifth and it's quarter past eight in the morning. What could you possibly want from me at this ungodly hour?"

She chuckles in amusement. "Sorry, I forgot you're not a morning person at all. Did I wake you up?"

"Yes, you- ahh, too bright!" I exclaim when Allen draws the curtains. "Close them," I instruct but he only sticks his tongue out at me. "Mature much?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes, helping himself to my bathroom. I hear Melody chuckle and I remember I'm still on the phone with her. "Where were we? Oh, yes, you did wake me up."

"Who's with you? Do you suddenly have a housemate?"

"Oh, that was just Allen being annoying."

"Ouuu," she sings and I facepalm myself for saying that so casually. "You and Allen, huh?"

"I and Allen what?"

"You guys together?"


"But when Harry asked-"

"We got together last night."

"Oh, really?" I can feel her raised eyebrows already. "What else happened last night?"

"Why did you call me, Mel?" I ask, unable to take any more of her teasing. Thank heavens she isn't in the same room as me because she would've teased me further about how red my face is at the moment.

"Oh, that." She sighs. "Uh, are Harry and Sarah together?"

"You called me to ask this question?" I ask incredulously.


"Four missed calls, Mel. Four. For something you could've texted?" She sighs again, not answering. "Mel!"

"Just answer it, okay?"

"No," I say. "No, they're not together. Any specific reason you asked?" I exasperate.

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