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The Hall was deathly silent as Harry stepped in for breakfast. Every pair of eyes turned towards him as he gracefully made his way down towards his seat, his face an emotionless mask, emerald eyes steely cold, unhindered from those silly wire framed glasses he always wore, he had destroyed them and opted for contact lenses.

As he sat down and piled food into his plate everyone started talking all at once. Most of Gryffindor and Slytherin jeering at him while Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw sneered and growled. 'How dare he show his face here?'

He studiously ignored them for the most part. Simply eating his breakfast, every eye at the head table watching Closely for any student taking it to far just in case they should step in.

As breakfast was drawing to a close, Harry got up to get ready for classes when suddenly he found himself Surrounded by Malfoy and his cronies. Not in the mood to deal with the ferret he politely tried to pass only to be shoved backwards.

"So Potter! Once again your fame isn't enough for you eh? Just gotta show everyone how much better you are than them?"

His voice icy cold but firm, Harry replied. "Oh do piss off Ferret! I have no need for your useless banter today, I've got classes to get ready for."

All through the Hall, sniggers were heard from some students while others watched with bated breath to see the outcome of this fight.

Shoving past the blonde ponce, Harry was nearly out the door when a red light zoomed just past his head following the words. "That's right Potter, Run like your filthy mudblood Mother."
The professors were all on their feet and moving down towards the doors when Harry whirled around.

Everyone froze. The air was crackling with magic and anyone able to see the Raven haired boy's eyes would've swore they were glowing.

Before anyone could even blink a powerful wave of magic burst forth and the 5 Slytherins infront of Harry were flung back through the air landing Harshly on the ground. There were gasps across the hall, as the magic in the air became heavier, more oppressive. All of it surrounding the Small teen standing in the Doorway.

Dumbledore's voice broke through the crowd. "Harry my boy, perhaps we should take this to my office?" He flinched slightly when those cold emerald orbs turned to him. All the professors could see the hatred and Malice in those deadly green eyes.
His voice was sharp and only above a whisper but with his added magic everyone heard him. "I'm not your 'boy' old man."

Snape was the first to respond, completely ignoring the warning signs. "Why you insolent little-" he was cut off from whatever he was going to say as those eyes turned to him mere seconds before he was flung backwards.

All the students sat and watched in horror as the dour potions master collided with the head table before slumping to the ground unconscious.

Never before had a student attacked a teacher. Much less wandlessly and wordlessly.

"That is enough mister Potter!" Dumbledore shouted as he sent a stunner towards Harry only to gawk when the boy batted it away with his hand as if it was a simply fly bothering him.

A melodic sound escaped his lips as he laughed, throwing his head back. Before looking back at the professors and students all frozen in fear. "Is it Dumbledore? Is it?" His voice was sweet, not at all suiting with the wicked smiled on his face and that terrifying gleam in his eyes.

Cooking his head a little to the side to add that air of innocence he spoke once more. "Tell me, Porfessor-" he all but spat the word, showing how little it meant to him. "Why should I defend everyone in the castle year after year, but not myself?" The foreign delegates and most of Hogwarts were confused as to what he meant. "And then again.. why should I take crap from everyone because of circumstances beyond my control?" Dumbledore was at a loss to what to say to that. He was too busy trying to figure out how to not lose the light's weapon for the coming war.

Regaining some of the twinkle in his eyes and his grandfatherly persona he tried once again. "I'll admit you're allowed to defend yourself but do you find it necessary to attack students to do so?" This was apparently the wrong thing to say as the smile vanished from the boys lips and his face became a perfect pureblood mask.

Turning his head slightly as if he was thinking, a wicked grin appeared on his face making everyone in the hall shudder. Making his voice sound as innocent as possible he replied. "Oh very well. I suppose you're right." For a second everyone's shoulders sagged a bit in relief. Before they all tensed again when he spoke loudly in parseltongue. "Ssssalandra, Sssael, come forth, keep your eyes closssed!"

The floor of the great hall started rumbled and a loud screams of terror were heard from those in the hall as two gigantic Bassiliks broke down the doors of the great hall. Nobody dared to move as they slithered closer and surround Harry who didn't even show an ounce of fear. A great head of green with scarlet plumage lowered itself infront of Harry, purring loudly as he stroked down it's nose.

"It's alright you can look, I've ordered them to keep their eyes closed for now." Came a melodic voice as everyone opened their eyes and looked up.

What they saw shocked them to their very cores. Two 30ft Bassiliks surrounded Harry Potter, The-boy-who-lived, nudging him softly with their head and purring whenever he stroked them. They all watched with both fear and awe as these deadly beasts, seemed almost like overgrown kittens with Harry.

Nobody dared to move for fear of death. Seeing the few people on the ground who fainted from shock Harry decided it was time to speak. "As promised headmaster. I won't physically attack or fight back against students who have a problem with me. That job I'll leave to these two beautiful beings with me." He leveled a glare at the Headmaster who looked like he was about to protest.

"Well I suppose it's time for class. But before I go let me make one thing very clear. Should anyone, And I mean ANYONE! EVEN DARE transfigure a rooster or bring one within hearing distance, you will never see the light of another day." He threw a big smile at all the frightened faces infront of him. Before turning and walking out of the Hall with his two serpents following after. Calling out over his shoulder. "Oh don't worry professors, they're harmless really- " he stopped and turned around quickly with a smirk on his face " unless i say otherwise ofcourse." And with that he giggled and left behind the stunned populace of hogwarts and their foreign delegations in the Great hall.

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