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Chapter 6

I woke up early just as the time that I set my alarm clock to wake me up. I started preparing for my school today, remembering about the things that happened yesterday lead a smile to creep on my face. I really had a great day with Bryce.

I could tell that he was also genuinely happy when we were hanging out so I smiled at this thought and continued to prepare my breakfast. My mom is rarely home so I'm used of having to prepare my meals for myself everyday, which I don't really mind though. Knowing how long it was since I entered an arcade left a hint of sadness in my mind. It was way back when I was an still a kid and my family and I still had quality time with each other, something that I never thought that I'd lose and crave now.

If only I could turn back time as to when I was a child enjoying simple things like arcade games, playing outside or going to the park with my family but sadly time is something valuable that can't you can't rewind. What can I do after all? My parents don't have a stable job which lead them to this disaster. I can't help but blame myself at times, they had to lose time for me and themselves just get me to school and feel the moment of success in my life.  Whatever I could do, the best thing I would is to finish my school and they're going to have another job again.

I looked at the clock which indicated 9:00 so I grabbed all of the things I needed for school and also my phone. I waited for Taxi in front of our house and decided to grab my phone in the bag. I looked at Bryce and I's conversation and noticed that he still hasn't replied nor read the message that I sent him last. I was hesitating about messaging him again, because he might have caught a cold from yesterday.

What am I going to say though "Hey, I just wanted to check up on you if you're okay?" no, I sound desperate. "Okay ka lang?" nope, too short. "Why haven't you read my message yet?" no, that sounds so demanding. I groaned in frustration, I noticed a taxi driving towards me so I hailed the taxi and got inside.

I'm still contemplating whether if I should message him or not. VAL?! what the heck are you doing, you're just gonna check up on the guy. I took a deep breath and just grabbed my phone and decided to open our chat box to send him a message.

*Phone conversation*

Hey, I just wanted to check on you if you're okay?

*End of phone conversation*

I sort of felt worried about Bryce, what if he did catch a cold from yesterday. I sighed, it looks like the driver already knew where I was going. Probably because of the uniform that I wore, the school where I transferred to is quite famous here, not gonna lie. A lot of kids do wish to enter our school but only a few can because of the tuition fee included. My parents didn't have to go through different jobs just to get me to this school, although I'm thankful that my parents are doing it for me but at the same time it's stressful to think how hard they work.

I arrived at the school and instantly went in our classroom to wait for the teacher. I checked our schedule to see what our first subject is going to be and it seemed like we're having biology. As we we're taking attendance, I noticed that Bryce still wasn't here which is very unusual because I always see him sitting on his seat right before I enter class.

"Mr. Villanueva." Our professor voiced out as he wanders his eyes around the room for Bryce. He noticed that Bryce wasn't around so I saw him grab his phone and call someone. He must've called Bryce's parent. I couldn't quite make out their conversation because the professor was far from my seat but after ended he ended the call I heard him mutter that Bryce was ill. I knew he was sick, he probably didn't wait for the rain to stop and just rode his motorcycle. I just sighed and grab my notebook from my bag to take notes for the class.

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