3.19 Proof for all of it

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Jaemin was still trying to find answers which he didn’t have. Jeno was doing his best to help Jaemin but had no clue himself after all Y/n held a lot to herself. But he wouldn’t stop.

Jaemin’s point of view-
I haven’t slept last night and it's 8 in the morning. We have free hours now because the hyungs are working in the studio and our secluded was a bit messed up. I have already drank over five cups of coffee with three espresso shots.

If Y/n was here she would have slapped my head already at the second cup, she hates when I drink a large amount of coffee. It's unhealthy especially since I can't stop drinking and I drink all the time.

The whole crew is helping me finding a clue about Y/n’s life. Jeno and Jisung are looking for clues about Y/n’s life before she left for China. Mark and Renjun are calling around finding who works for Y/n’s family after all they have a connection with school friends.

While Chenle is finding a way to track down the IP address. According to me or my tech friend he said that we could find information that they have saved under their name or a code name if we track down the IP address.

Hopefully, this will help me when I am dumb enough to stand against Y/n’s mother all by myself. I was with Y/n the time she ran away from her family, I know what they are capable of.

Chenle: Jaemin!!!!

Jeno: we found something!

Jaemin: *runs out of the bath* What did you guys find?

Heachan: I am in shock that you even managed to grab a towel around your hip

Mark: we found out that some school kids are dealing drugs for them. But the problem is that they don’t know who they work for it's like a stage. Y/n’s parents must be the highest once but where we got the information from is below

Renjun: we don’t have any original proof that her parents are behind this

Jaemin: What did you two find?

Jisung: she went back to China because her parents gave her a second chance. She came back here because of a loss and then they started fighting. Which made Y/n go against them again and without protection

Jeno: *exhales deeply* I found out that Y/n pushed everyone away for their safety because Y/n saw the plan they have made for each one of us who have contact with her. They are in high status and could make us lose our idol job

Heachan: I didn’t see that coming

Jaemin: which is why she lied to me….*scoffs*

Chenle: I didn’t get it all, I am not that kind of hacker. But I got base information like where they live, phone number, workplace, and a list of illegal plans under the code name you gave

Jaemin: I have to find Y/n *runs*

Renjun: you have to find your underwear!

-Time skip-

At Y/n’s mothers office- Y/n’s mother’s POV

Assistant: Ma’am a young man is asking if he could talk to you

Mother: (is there anyone who blew up their job)

Mother: His information, I want it

Assistant: I will ask right away ma’am *closes the door*

Mother: *someone knocks on the door* What is it?!

Assistant: The young man is here *leaves*

Mother; I have seen you before, where have i- *closes her laptop*

******: I am the guy who loves your daughter Y/n

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