Part 2 Almost Forgot

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Hello again!

MGFs here!

So I just remembered something I forgot to mention yesterday in my first part of this new book of mine and I guess you can say it's something really important for all my dear readers to know.

Where to begin though?

Oh yes, that's right.

I've been reading and coming across lots of online books for as long as I can remember and well, it makes me sad that some books are left forgotten for what feels like all eternity.

But at the same time, I completely understand the reasons to this being like such.

Which is why I want to give y'all my word and hopefully be able to earn some trust not just as a new author but as a good person: I will never give up on any storybook that I begin writing no matter how hard or impossible things may turn out to be.

And I also promise, for the sake of all good in this world, that I am here for each and every one of you if at times you don't feel like doing anything at all.

I mean, that's me almost every day of my life!

But I'm still here!

And alive, thank you very much!

Huh, I suppose that means I am taking this seriously.

Does it though?

Hmm, I'm not quite sure just yet.

Oh, what am I saying to myself now?!

You know what, this really is fun to do!

And here I was beginning to believe I would never try to fool people (just because) into thinking I was lying about not taking things seriously!

Gosh darn it, what is wrong with me?!!!

Anyways, enough with the funny lies or whatever it was I just tried to do!

It's time to take things seriously once and for all!

Writing is something I've always wanted to try, and I am not about to give up on myself all because the world seems to be against people like me most of the times!!!

Do not worry yourselves, dear readers.

I am a very patient person so starting now, I will continue to await for any possible responses to my first part of this book of mine (and maybe even for this second part as well).

We are all wonders if we choose to be!

Should that be my way of saying goodbye from now on?

I'll let the audience decide that for themselves.

Well, that's it for now!


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