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I stood in front of the mirror just staring at my reflection

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I stood in front of the mirror just staring at my reflection. Who was the person standing in front of me? I flipped my hair over my shoulder and stared at the permanent mark on my neck.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I knew who was on the other side of the door. I wasn't ready to face anyone yet. After everything that happened I couldn't face them again.

"Chloe, please open this door." Kyle's voice sounded exhausted. "We're just waiting on you for the ceremony."

I hated everything about the person I was looking at. Yesterday had been the worst day of my life and now I had to bury my dead father. It was something I never thought I would have to do. Not this soon at least, and not like this.

I hated everything that had become my life now. I hated that I wouldn't wake up and see my dad's face again. The guilt that was eating me up was worse than anything. I couldn't take it anymore.

For hours I sat there alone. For hours I cried and screamed because I couldn't do anything. It wasn't in me to leave my dad to find help. It wasn't until Don and Kyle found me that I really wished I could have died. The accusing looks I was given were just as horrible as Vincent's betrayal.

"Chloe," again my thoughts were interrupted when Kyle spoke, "please talk to me."

"Just..." I sighed, "give me a minute."

I grabbed my boots and slipped them on. The dress I was wearing was short sleeved and it fell down shy above my knees. It was cold outside but I wouldn't feel it anymore. I was a werewolf now.

I opened the door and Kyle stood there waiting for me. He gave me a sad look but wisely kept his mouth shut. We walked down the stairs where Don was patiently waiting for us. It was hard to look him in the eyes.

"All ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and walked out the front door. I was met with several people surrounding us. They were supposed to guard me against Vincent and his pack. Another part of me felt like they were guarding the people in my pack from me.

They didn't stop me when I kept walking towards the car. I got in the back seat while Don climbed in on the driver's side. Kyle slipped inside next to me. He kept glancing at me like he was waiting for me to lose it at any moment.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Kyle asked.

"I have to be."

This was the only goodbye I would be able to have. Yesterday I couldn't even tell him that I loved him for the last time. We spent the majority of the time arguing and fighting over useless shit. Instead of building a relationship we were tearing whatever we had left down to the ground.

"We need to talk about a few things once we get back home." Don said. "The pack is in a very delicate stage. Not to mention that the Elders have gotten involved in some matter. No doubt they'll be all over this."

"The what?" I asked, confused.

"We'll talk about it later." Don said.

"What's going to happen now that my dad isn't here anymore?" I asked.

It was the biggest question I had on my mind. I wasn't ready for any of this.  I knew I couldn't. I messed up really bad and everyone would know it. It was because of me that they lost their Alpha.

"You take your rightful place." Kyle said.

"That will be discussed when we get home."

"There's nothing to discuss. Chloe is the next heir to the title."

"The two of you have no idea the mess this has become, have you?" Don said. "Kyle, you better stay close to Chloe and don't let her out of your sight."

I looked at Kyle worriedly and confused. He shrugged at me and it was clear he didn't know what Don was talking about. when we got to the usual location there were men waiting for us there. I climbed out of the car and Kyle was immediately by my side. Don started walking towards the trail and we all followed him.

The other men surrounded me so that I was in the middle of all of them. Kyle didn't say anything but I could see how tense he was. I didn't recognize the men but Kyle clearly did or else I doubt he allow such close proximity.

It was dead quit the entire walk. The closer we got to the stream the louder the voices became. Something didn't feel right. The men around me moved closer to me. When everything finally came into view it was complete chaos. My eyes widened at the scene in front of me.

People were yelling at each other and wolves were fighting each other. In the middle of everything where the bonfire usually was I could see a body laying there covered in a white sheet decorated with flowers. It was a pyre. I knew it was my dad and it all came crashing back to me. I didn't want to be there. I didn't want to see him like that.

It seemed we started attracting attention. Everyone slowly turned to look at us. It felt like minutes had passed by without anyone saying anything or even moving. It seemed that way to me but only seconds were passing by.

"You have some nerve showing your face here, girl." Someone finally spoke.

"Watch it." Kyle growled.

"You out of all people defend her. Do you have any idea what she has done? Killed her own father and she dares to stand in front of all of us."

"You need to get your facts straight Collin. You weren't there."

"And you were?"

"All we know our Alpha is dead and someone is responsible for it."

The man looked directly at me. He didn't have to tell me. I already knew it was my fault and the guilt was eating me up. If I could do it all again I would trade my life for his.

"This is not the time or place to talk about it." Don said. His voice came out with authority.

"No." I said. "Maybe this is the place and time to talk about it."

I walked towards my dad's dead body and the men guarding me followed. I turned to the group trying to gather all the courage and pray that I could say the right thing.

"I better than anyone know how this may look. I know I haven't been here long and I don't expect anything- not even your respect. You didn't have to see what I saw. His heart being ripped out of him and falling to the ground." My voice shook as I spoke and I tried to fight the tears. "I haven't made the best decisions and I am living with that, but this is something that I wont let go. Everyone involved will pay for this."

"How are you supposed to do that when you've been marked. You reek of those mutts." Someone else said.

"That won't stop me."

"You know nothing of mates. You know nothing of being a werewolf and you think we will follow you?" He scoffed.

"I will do anything it takes to make this right." There was desperation in my voice. "I didn't mean for this to happen. You have to believe me."

"Bring us his head!" someone shouted from the crowd.

"Bring us his heart!"

I looked at Don and he simply shook his head. There was a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. My heart was beating against my chest. I was ready to lose it any moment now.

I was going to open my mouth to say something when I felt it. That feeling inside of me that was so familiar but it was also a feeling that came with so much pain. As the seconds went by the feeling grew stronger. I looked around the crowd and they all seemed unaware of whatever was going on. For a moment I felt confused but then realization sunk in.

Vincent was close by.

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