Chloe has lost everything. She fights to prove herself as a true Alpha but more secrets become unraveled and there is no escaping her dark fate. There isn't anything she won't do to protect the people she cares about and the pack she is trying to pr...
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"It was Archer." I spoke.
The room fell silent. Vincent slowly turned around to face me. The denial was clear on his face. This wasn't how I wanted him to find out. I wanted to somehow explain everything to him without it blowing out of proportion.
I slowly tried climbing out of bed. Yahir came to my side to help me up. He kept a hand on my elbow so I wouldn't fall. My entire body was protesting. I wasn't fully healed yet. I had to push the pain away.
"Vincent, I know you don't want to hear it and maybe you won't believe me, but I swear it's the truth." I spoke slowly. "This-" I gestured to myself, "is what Archer did because I found out the truth. He couldn't kill me without losing you completely. It's always been him."
"How do you know it was him?" Vincenet asked.
"I found dad's ring. The one that went missing that night. Archer had it all this time." Dimtri said.
"No that's not..."
Vincent shook his head. I took a step towards him and his eyes snapped to mine. I could see the storm forming in them. This wasn't going to end well. Vincent didn't move when I took another step towards him.
"How long have you known?" Vincent asked.
I froze where I stood. What was I supposed to say to Vincent? Tessa and Dimitri were the first to really know and then Tessa told me. Even if we knew there had to be proof or else it was just a couple of teenagers spouting out lies.
Vincent would hate me and everyone else if I told him how long we kept it from him. I could already see it in his eyes. The pain and anger was there but I didn't know if it was directed at me or at Archer. I couldn't get the words out. Just seeing him like that scared me.
"How long have you know ?!" This time Vincent was shouting.
He was in front of me in a flash gripping my arms. Yahir didn't waste a second in throwing Vincent across the room. Vincent was on his feet and looked ready to get to me but Yahir stood in front of me protectively.
"The next time you touch her will be the last time you have hands." Yahir threatened.
"Answer the question. How long have you all known?"
"I told her the day I ran from Red Blood. I figured out the truth and Archer tried to kill me. If it hadn't been for Chloe I would be dead." Tessa said.
"I've known for a while but I didn't say anything to you because I knew you wouldn't believe me." Dimitri said. "He has gone too far with trying to keep his lies a secret. He almost killed Chloe."