Chapter 21

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I woke up feeling disoriented

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I woke up feeling disoriented. The ground beneath me was cold. My entire body felt numb. At first I thought it was from the cold, but when I opened my eyes I realized that wasn't the case.

The room tilted in different ways as I tried to sit up. Something wasn't right. My arms and legs felt like jelly. I tried to stand but I just struggled to stay on my feet.

"Don't even bother."

I turned too quickly ant I fell against the cold wall. Everything was still spinning and there was a fire in the pit of my stomach. I felt the vile crawling up my throat. I bent over and vomited.

"That's what happens when Aconite slowly burns your insides. I also gave you enough sedative to put down a horse. Amazing how fast your body burns through it but the Aconite should slow that down."

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. I needed someone to help me. I tried to concentrate on anyone but it was like they weren't there. Panic started to set in. They couldn't be dead.

I felt sick. I hated the feeling of trying to throw up but nothing coming out. My mouth felt dry and I could taste blood on my tongue. Archer was going to pay for this. I wasn't going to let him get away with kidnapping me and torturing me.

"Go. To. Hell." I chocked out.

I heard his laughter. It was sick how he found this amusing. I should have killed him right when he took my dad. I should have done a lot of things to end his life, but I didn't have it in me.

"The only reason you're alive right now is because Vincent will know if I do anything to you." Archer sounded annoyed by that. "He knows I want you dead. All will come in good time though.

I heard a loud creak that sounded like rusted iron door opening. I looked up and for the first time I was able to focus my eyes on Archer. My head was still throbbing but I was slowly feeling he numbness slipping away. The only thing I felt even more now was the burning in my stomach.

As I looked around I noticed I was in some sort of cell. On the other side of the room I noticed there were chains hanging off the concrete wall. My eyes widened and my heart started racing.

I did try to make a run for it even though I knew it would be useless. Archer grabbed me by the waist and I felt a small pinch on my arm. Archer released me and I fell down on the ground.

I felt my mind beginning to fog again. I felt all the strength leaving my body. I tried to get up but my attempts were weak. My head was spinning and it was hard for me to catch my balance.

I screamed when Archer crouched down next to me and roughly tilted my head back and spilling something in my mouth. I immediately felt the sting and I tried to spit out the Aconite. I felt it slipping to the back of my throats as I tried to scream and gasp for air.

The pain I was feeling was intense. I felt the tears spilling down my face as I cried out. My body felt as though it was going into shock. My entire body began to shake before I stopped fighting and slipped away.

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